KDE Blogs Categories:Accessibility Akademy Android C++ CI/CD Craft Documentation Dolphin KDE E.V. KDE Eco KDE Goals Konsole KWin MacOS PIM Plasma Release Systemd This Week in KDE Apps This Week in Plasma Wayland WindowsSaturday, 5 July 2003Kivio features that is on my todo listPsn | Ok I thought I would start with making my intentions for the future of Kivio clear. Well at least the things that are most visible to the user... :) Read MoreArama sonuçlarıBilaketaren emaitzakHasil pencarianKeresési eredményekMathis BrüchertResultados da pesquisaResultados da procuraResultados de la búsquedaResultat de la busca123 … 399400401 … 403