Wednesday, 9 July 2003
Automake and unsermake
Great! now KDevelop can be compiled with both Automake and Unsermake. That's a great news, because Unsermake is a very nice replacement of Automake, and i'm sure it will be another killer feature of KDE.
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Tuesday, 8 July 2003
KDevelop C++ support
Finally some news about KDevelop C++ support and Code Completion.
Yesterday i've made many changes to cppsupport, now we have a new and more simple to maintain code completion engine :) of course the code is not finished yet. for instance, the support for namespaces still sucks, but i hope to finish it soon.
Now i'm experimenting with QDataStream and Tags(kdevelop/lib/catalog), i'm thinking to replace our persistant class store with a QDataStream based one. the point is berkeley DB isn't so cool as i've expected! the file size of the PCS db is too big and it's incredible slow when you have many items stored.
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Tuesday, 8 July 2003
New features
Hi, Today I added modules that will allow us to use "Fancy Quotes" and (tm) & (r). (tm) can be made by placeing tm in parenthases and (r) can be done by placeing a r inside.
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Monday, 7 July 2003
Bug Hunt
Bug hunting ... people usually appreciate it when their bugs have been solved and are closed on, but they really get excited over new features. New features often require a good amount of work, especially to get them right. But the effort to "wow factor" ratio is far higher on new features than bug hunting.
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Monday, 7 July 2003
KDE Presence at LinuxTag 2003
KDE Presence at LinuxTag 2003 - [KDE News]
This is a test of "blogging" a link.
Monday, 7 July 2003
Quotes Fixed
Since this was the most visibility annoying bug out there I got " and ' fixed now. I have a problem with the fact that I have drupal shared between two virtual servers. For some reason only Directory will allow override with an absolute path, Location wont work with an alias, so I need to figure out how to best do that. Any Ideas would be great.
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Monday, 7 July 2003
Savanna Says:
Savanna isn't saying anything right now. She's just marking her space in the cyber arena of the KDE Blogosphere.
Maybe her silence will last, or maybe not. Only time will tell.
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Sunday, 6 July 2003
First post
Hello, world! I'm Roberto Raggi one of the developers of KDevelop IDE.
Thanks to geiseri now i have a place where i can post hints and features about the upcoming KDevelop 3(a.k.a Gideon). so stay tuned
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Sunday, 6 July 2003
Klipart Stencils
Ok Kristof Borrey's Klipart Stencils are in cvs now. I decided to rearrange them a bit though, this is how they are arranged in cvs: Geographic Flags Maps Hardware - This stencilset have been broken up in to two and put into it's own category Computer - All computer related thing went in here Miscellaneous - The rest went here :) Miscellaneous - Here I put the ones I could not come up with a good category for... Arrows Buildings People Transport If you do not use cvs and still want these stencils you can find them here:
Saturday, 5 July 2003
First post
This is kind of an experiment. My goal is to provide a blog for KDE developers to share their thoughts and ideas. This is ment only for KDE developers for now, because ive grown tired of the chat boards and news sites... This is ment to be raw KDE.
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