Tuesday, 22 July 2003
7/22/2003 - I need more time
Why is it that university professors always pile crap loads of work on at the end of the term? sigh So yeah, I got lots of homework and projects, and no time to hack. But i'll stop bitching now. :)
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Tuesday, 22 July 2003
Krecipes 0.2: Recipes for geeks
I need more testers for this little beast, guys. Or is it that there're no bugs left? :-) Just to let you know, this version includes two delicious recipes from and for geeks. One by Adriaan de Groot, and another one by me. Even developers cook sometimes...
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Monday, 21 July 2003
is it Free enough?
We recently had a bit of drama on the kde-edu-devel mailing list. It seems that Debian decided that KStars was not quite Free enough, because some of the images we use are used with permission, and the catalog files are not unambiguously in the public domain. As a result, they were either going to remove KStars altogether, or move it to non-free.
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Monday, 21 July 2003
Kopete Jabber Plugin - Do you use it?
Jabber seems to be growing again lately. Yet, Kopete seems to have no real userbase in Jabberland. I always wonder why I don't get any real feedback. There are hardly any bug reports, hardly any wishlist entries. Compared to the other plugins like ICQ or MSN at least, although that might be an unfair comparison.
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Monday, 21 July 2003
KSpell cont.
I don't like the fact that I have to be coming up with topics for those entries. I think I'll just start putting dates for them. People who want to know what I'm doing will find them anyway. I haven't done anything too interesting today. Worked on KSpell a little more. Cleaned it up a little and closed two bugs, from which the more interesting is that you can now check HTML/SGML/XML and Tex/LaTeX documents with KSpell and it will automatically skip the tags/commands and it will spell check only the actual contents. It should make spellchecking in such applications as Quanta and KTextMaker/Kile a lot more friendly. I'm trying to come up with a new layout for the spell checking dialog. If you're missing something in our current implementation let me know. Oh, and you can safely skip the fact that you want to be able to select a language right from the dialog. I have two reports about that and that fact alone is one of the reasons I'm planning to redesign it. Maybe our usability team will make itself useful ;) I put an image of me in my hacking corner here or simply check my photo gallery. For some reason people who have never seen me imagine me differently. Not sure if that's good :) Also not really KDE, more my-life, related, still a great picture. I wasn't really supposed to be posting it on the net, but I liked it too much.
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Monday, 21 July 2003
kstars status
For my first post, I thought I would give a short heads up on recent activity in KStars.
Jasem Mutlaq recently added telescope control to KStars, which is just fantastic. Definitely has been one of our most-requested features.
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Monday, 21 July 2003
Lypanov - Monday, July 21
so, i'm back, as people were moaning that i don't keep this up to date, in any case i need to get back in practice now that has appeared, still waiting for my approval though, wonder whats taking them so long...
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Monday, 21 July 2003
More silly bug fixes
Well notices now highlight the nick in their randomly picked colours.
reved the version to 1.3.8 to allow for the per server prefs. That's it for ksirc today, it's too hot out.
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Monday, 21 July 2003
new KDE3 dev book in the works!
Did you hear that Ralf Nolden is starting work on a new KDE3 development book? Wahoo! It's going to be under the FDL, natch. Following Holger's suggestion that the book be a constantly updated guide to everything KDE, I propose it be titled "The KDEnomicon" :)
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Monday, 21 July 2003
This is a test post from KBlog
This is a test post from KBlog. If it works it will be ready for CVS. Currently there are issues with the post manager. The selection dialogs need some refinement.
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