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Wednesday, 30 July 2003

Life, and other unfortunate incidents

Daniels  | 
So, what have I been doing while MIA? I've moved house on 15min notice, for a start. I'm incredibly busy with school (assessment tasks, exams, you name it), and trying to get some work done while I still can. I don't even have a real net connection - if I drag my computer downstairs, I can get dialup to a NATed IP. Wa-hey. Read More
Wednesday, 30 July 2003

The configuration compiler

kdepim/libkdepim - (KDE CVS Commits) This is going to be something really cool. I now have an example configuration dialog which is automatically generated from an XML description of the configuration options. This includes an automatically generated API to the configurations options for convenient access by the application, it will support all the fancy config stuff like immutable entries etc., and it provides a configuration dialog to edit the options without needing to write any additional code. The best thing: It will be incredibly simple for a developer to use this. Drop the XML description of the configuration options into the source code directory, add custom code, if necessary, and you are done. You will get the configuration dialog for your application for free. It also fits very nicely into the Qt/KDE framework along the lines of XML-GUI and uic. cfgc (the configuration compiler) will be for configuration what uic is for user interface. Maybe it might even make sense to add a configuration designer to provide a GUI for editing the configuration descriptions. Let's see... Read More
Tuesday, 29 July 2003

An update on telescope control in KStars

KStars should have a decent telescope control by 3.2. The current client/server architecture in INDI is scalable and would be very handy in observatories or when controlling multiple telescopes. I haven't committed anything in quite a while as I have been moving from one location to another within town and will finally settle soon! Read More
Tuesday, 29 July 2003

folk fest

Aseigo  | 
this isn't a rant. it's just off-topic. so there. =) if you're not into music, esp of the folk fest variety, save yourself the boredom and don't click the Read More link. Read More
Tuesday, 29 July 2003

The perfect editor

Hooray, there is a new NEdit release! Today the first release candidate of NEdit 5.4 was announced. There were three features I was missing from NEdit up to now: Start scrolling before the cursor has reached the end of the screen to make sure you always have the overview of a few lines in advance An option to show whitespace at the end of lines Hiding the mouse pointer when you start typing All these features are implemented now (and a couple more). I tried the new version and the new features and immediately liked it. That makes NEdit the perfect editor for me. Congratulations to the NEdit team for this marvelous job. See the NEdit homepage for details.
Tuesday, 29 July 2003

titles may suck, but node terms really annoy me

Aseigo  | 
coming up with titles for blog entries isn't fun/easy, but having to pick node terms is really bloody annoying. especially since it's this long listbox that pushes the body waaaay down the page. couldn't it at least be after the body where i could ignore it? and have "KDE General" (or what-have-you) selected by default? Read More
Monday, 28 July 2003

Jabber release fixups

Unknow  | 
I spent a few hours today fixing the last release issues for Jabber. Not everything went as expected since I missed the string freeze but at least a few things were ironed out. Looking forward to this Kopete release, I hope it will give us better publicity than the last releases which made us crash mostly crash known for crash crash instability. Read More
Monday, 28 July 2003


Geiseri  | 
We have this nice class kde:KRecentDocument (we dont use it nearly where we should but thats another rant ;) ). As I have been working at making KDE more usable I found we dont track recently run applications the way we should. We seem only to track them via the kicker. While this is nice, its useless for those of those of us who use krun, or the quickstart applet. Read More
Monday, 28 July 2003


I didn't think that I'm going to write a blog describing OLS, but I wanted to point out a few things: Nat's dashboad presentation - horrible. The man curses more than I, or anyone else I've ever seen does. I don't know if that's the way he is or whether he was doing that only for the talk but that still doesn't explain why "fuck dude, shit doesn't work" or "shut the fuck up dude, let me finish" were the leading ideas of his presentation. Other Gnome developers/users present on the talk served the purpose of cheerleaders for Nat. The whole thing was just stupid. The basic idea is good, unfortunately it's pretty much taken from the Microsoft Longhorn. Like Aaron once noted in his blog, the gui for this thing is unacceptable. It's way too intrusive. Also the quering mechanism that Nat & co. are using is pretty much based on broadcasts of clue packets all over the place which simply will have to change at some point or it will become incredibly slow. My favorite quote from the presentation though is : "Dude, we have like 1000000 threads running at a time, we create a thread for string duplication!", which, I think, was a good thing in Nat's eyes. Heh, good luck... Havoc's bof - the discussion in itself was limited, but only because the crowd has been mostly composed of kernel hackers who simply don't know that much about the initiative. After the presentation Havoc, George and I went to a bar to talk a little. I had a horrible headache that day but conclusion I have is : "Havoc is a great guy". You can quote me on that ;) Hopefully we'll see him on n7y Keith's/Carl's Caito tutorial - in one word "impressive". I do like the idea and implementation. The design is clean and api very friendly. I'll be playing with it today, pretty much because I want to play with it on OS X. Porting Xc to OS X will be fun ;) In other news I coded a lot during the whole thing. Some of the things I'll commit today or tomorrow include : AltiVec instruction detection in KCPUInfo, an icon in the KMail email fetching statusbar notifying users whether the connection is ssl/tls encrypted (that one is for George ;) ), some accelerator fixes in KMail that we found, new OSCAR protocol implementation, based on Gaim's libfaim so that Kopete's and Gaim's team can share some code. Anyway, back to coding...
Monday, 28 July 2003


Chouimat  | 
We need to have the reverse category so we can add happy stuff :) my crappy thing works and I'm happy .... So I will dance ... just to bad you can't, well it's avery good thing you can see that ..... Read More