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Monday, 13 October 2003

How to store data intelligently?

Cniehaus  | 
I have been thinking about how to store the data in Kalzium (chemistryapp in kdeedu). Currently I have a class called kalzium in which 110 "elements" are. An "element" is of course an object which stores the data available for one of the 110 elements in the periodic table. Read More
Sunday, 12 October 2003

KJSEmbed marches on

Rich  | 
I haven't written much about KJSEmbed for the last couple of weeks because I've been concentrating on squashing bugs in kasbar, but over the last couple of days I've had a chance to work on some kjsembed stuff that has been becoming more and more important. Read More
Tuesday, 7 October 2003

A walk down memory lane

Mattr  | 
Ok, now that i've thought of a snappy title for my blog to get people to read it, I'll actually write something here I've had an interesting weekend. I was supposed to release Kopete 0.7.3 source tarballs on Sunday, but that didn't quite happen since I spent most of sunday troubleshooting hardware problems and building all kinds of source code. :) I got some upgrades and things didn't go at all as planned. :( Read More
Thursday, 2 October 2003

Diving into the OpenGL pool...

So, does anyone know any good resources for OpenGL programming under KDE? I've started looking at the Qt OpenGL examples, and that seems straightforward enough. However, Someone at the dot told me about the Coin project, which is an implementation of SGI's high-level Open Inventor API for OpenGL. Even better, they have a library called SoQt which is supposed to let you easily make openGL Qt apps. I'd really like to try to use SoQt for KStars, but from what I have read so far, it isn't very flexible. You have to place "SoQt::init(argc,argv)" inside your app's main function, which instantiates a main window for drawing OpenGL stuff. This would seem to preclude making the window a KMainWindow. Is there a way to use SoQt to just make a widget, instead of a toplevel window? Also, it wasn't clearly stated, but I got the impression that it wasn't supported under Qt 3.x yet. Can anyone confirm/refute that? Read More
Thursday, 2 October 2003

Tirade against GCC 3.3.2

...and Debian for shipping it. Just dealt with another user having problems -- folks friends don't let friends use unstable Debian compilers. Why does it seem that every distro seems to have to take their shot at shipping an unstable compiler? (At least SuSE's has worked reasonably well for me.) Read More
Wednesday, 1 October 2003

yahoo works again

Mattr  | 
Well, I got the kopete yahoo plugin to work again. Yahoo decided to change their authentication methods and so that left all of us in the dark. From the looks of it, I tihink they're using an SHA style hash now, but I'm not all that sure since I don't know enough about the protocol internals as I should. Personally, I don't think they're documented well enough, so maybe I'll document them when I have the chance. Anyways, time for bed, have to be at work early tomorrow. ;( Read More
Sunday, 28 September 2003

It's been a tough week but...

Bruggie  | 
... Kompare seems to be in a useful state again atm. I did a lot of hacking on it and moving a lot of code around and i think the code is a bit cleaner now and easier to maintain. Read More
Saturday, 27 September 2003

Progress is slow but sure.

Geiseri  | 
Man its been almost a month now since i posted... Well n7y was great and i got to start on a ton of stuff that im just now finishing. The coolest one IMHO is KJS support in KDevelop 3.0. Currently I can create a new project in KDevelop to edit KJSEmbed scripts, and the debugger is loaded. [image:203,middle]. Read More
Friday, 26 September 2003

I'm number 2! (and in this case, it's not a bad thing)

Mattr  | 
Wow, it's amazing what a little venting can do for your motivation!. I ranted about how certain people were pissing me off and that I just didn't have motivation to work on Kopete a whole lot anymore. Well, after ranting, I feel much better! Being in your last semester of uni and taking only 9 hours of class gives you lots of free time to work on free software. :) (and I prefer to use it doing something other than playing video games, although Halo has become rather addicting) Read More
Friday, 26 September 2003

Interface ideas for KDE 4.0

Mkretz  | 
So, finally my first blog entry... Lately I was doing a lot of work on KCModule and related classes like KCMultiDialog that uses KDialogBase and KJanusWidget. It's all pretty nice and cool what functionality they provide but I think the interfaces can be a lot better for KDE 4.0. While working on it and hitting limits everywhere I sometimes have ideas on how to improve the interface but it's not possible in the 3.x cycle. Read More