Sunday, 28 March 2004
Project almost finished, About to drop it
It's not easy to explain why one begins doing opensource code. For once, you find some good software, and can't resist the temptation to look at its code and improve it. On the other hand, it's a good means to learn coding, specially working on team projects. But one of the most important factors is probably that someone is using your code, and thinks its useful.
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Sunday, 28 March 2004
Why is it so hard for me to pick a topic ?
Wow, it has been more then 5 months since i posted here... This really requires an update :)
On a personal level there were some changes. I quit my job at Beaphar and now work for Intel at SAP in Germany so i moved from the Netherlands to Germany (reading all the blog entries from the other people it seems that moving is a hip thing to do :). Dont have my own place yet (staying at wheels' place, and yes i am the dutch guy singing along with that Lyle Lovett song) but i'm working on it so i'll be moving soon again. The work at Intel is Linux related, i'm very pleased with that and i owe wheels a lot of gratitude for paving the way for getting me in.
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Friday, 26 March 2004
a year of ... life
so.. this is the year that will never end ... in both good and bad ways... i've got my 3 hours of speaking time about KDE staring me in the face in the middle of April @ Bellingham, Washington's Linuxfest Northwest, a HUGE backlog of KDE hacking and a million things going on. i'm watching what's happening @Brainshare with anticipation. my step-Father died, a company of mine is in the final stages of selling it's first "franchise" (licensee, really, but... yeah, those are just legal differences ;) which is something that just cropped up, i'm busy sorting out life with women and other beings, i'm excited about what's happening w/Ian's company re:Kolab (DUDE: we need to talk on the phone again about what's up with the marketing materials!), i'm wrapping up a sideline contract devel job, and i'm trying to figure out how to put together a meaningful action plan for people who watch documentaries like The Corporation and have their eyes openned for the first time to the ills of our culture's metasystems. in all, i'm having a slow month. =P
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Friday, 26 March 2004
Exposure of properties in KJSEmbed...
Well, I finally got around to implementing my pet pieve with KJSEmbed. When you imported a UI File, you would just get the top level widget.
Now after my modifications, it will add the child widgets as JavaScript properties of the parent. This is nice because now you can just call a UI file as: var Form1 = Factory.loadui("Form1.ui"); var text = Form1.TextGroupBox.NameLineEdit.text; instead of var Form1 = Factory.loadui("Form1.ui"); var TextGroupBox = Form1.child("TextGroupBox"); var NameLineEdit = Form1.child("NameLineEdit"); var text = NameLineEdit.text; Much clearer no?
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Thursday, 25 March 2004
The evil of all translation ( or how i18n packaging can be hell on the earth )
Well Following the tuff days at Conectiva ( company restructuring is always tuff ), we are finishing our next Conectiva release. Many people know how insane and massive split package policy we have, and adding new packaging features like automatic i18n subpackages generation and auto detecting i18n install by language ( all thanks to LUA language embedded on apt ) looks like the things are become harder to manage, no ? Really no. We reach a good technology stage and a good efficiency with our small team and we do this things easily. BUT ( always have a BUT ), there is such beasts as KDE i18n Packages... I and my trainee suffer a lot every time we need create de KDE i18n packages. Why ? We package whole KDE, Koffice, Quanta, Kdevelop, etc.. As a distribution, we always choose a branch stable bugfix release ( of course ), so let's use branch i18n packages, right ? Terribly wrong... Let me enumerate such points:
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Tuesday, 23 March 2004
Been busy at work, hasn't led to much hacking at night - too tired.
I did manage to finish off the Sony Memory Stick projector converter. Just a command line mockup at this stage - integration into KPresenter is the next stage. I was really happy to see how powerful Qt/KDE is. My command line tool takes the names of graphics files as arguments, and resizes them and converts to 1024x768 baseline encoded JPEGs. Doesn't matter what the input file format is - three lines of code later, its written out in the right format.
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Monday, 22 March 2004
Towards a KJSEmbed IDE...
I think for about 6 months now I have been toying with a KJSEmbed IDE and failing at most turns...
I'm still not convinced this [image:203,middle] although now I have more Javascript language support [image:386,middle]. It still falls short of my expectations. From what I see there are two modes that people will use KJSEmbed 1) as a macro language for KDE apps and 2) as a "visual lets get something out in the next 2 hours" language. From what I see here KDevelop is just not going towards either direction.
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Friday, 19 March 2004
Life, the Universe and Jellied Funk (and a little bit about TagLib, JuK, GStreamer and friends)
Ok, it's been a really long time, so this is just a list of random junk (both OSS, CS and less geeky stuff):
TagLib - I'll probably be doing a new release soon. There have been a couple of new features, so I'm debating between the version number 1.1 and 1.0.1. I've been generally very happy with the reception that TagLib has gotten -- I get quite a few mails from developers thanking them for freeing them from id3lib.
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Wednesday, 17 March 2004
Change the stars
I recently watched A Knight's Tale for the Nth time, which got me thinking about improbable dreams...
Like many open source developers, my fondest wish is to be able to sit at the computer all day and all night hacking KDE and other free code -- no punishing deadlines, no extraneous worries, just me pushing my limits doing what I love best... and getting paid for it.
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Wednesday, 17 March 2004
Sony memory stick slide projectors.
A friend of mine got access to a Sony projector. One of the things that was interesting is that it has a memory stick slot on it, and it can project directly from the memory stick. Turns out that you have to process the presentation to make it work though, and Sony provides such software. For Microsoft Windows + Microsoft Office. We'll have to see about that!
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