Saturday, 17 April 2004
first presentation done, muscled through some technical difficulties with the projector. i hate hardware.
the audience was enthusiastic and it was well received. did another round of the (small) booth area. if the people here are any indication, Linux is still in its infancy adoptionwise here but has a great group of enthusiastic and knowledgable people pushing it forward.
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Saturday, 17 April 2004
Touchdown, Bellingham
after 17 hours on the road i'm finally here. we only got lost once (losing ~40 minutes =/ ), which isn't too bad really. even the border crossing was uneventful. the drive was gorgeous: mountains, trees, beautiful little towns. i love the Pacific Northwest.
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Friday, 16 April 2004
meet me at the mission
so here's the plan... i'm going to go to sleep right now (it 2:30am...) and get up tomorrow, er, today (at 7:00am) and head out to LinuxFest Northwest. if it all works out, i'll have a bunch of fun and inspire some people w/regards to KDE... i'll keep a running diary of the events here whenever i can get 'net access along the way (i'm driving there and back.. ~12 hours on the road each way.. road trips ROCK! =) this way i can keep my friends and interested folk up to date with my KDE weekend adventure, in case anyone cares. well, i know i do. =P
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Thursday, 15 April 2004
aseigo. blog(""). stop();
my words have gotten me into trouble (some would say, "again"). apparently some people are truly offended because of the content of my blog. i can't rectify that now, nor can i fix other people's way of approaching the Universe. all the same, i don't want my personal thoughts to cast a pall of negative consequences upon KDE or any other Free Software project; so this will be my last blog entry on i'll leave with some quotes that i found online while looking for some external wisdom on things. some i feel apply to me or to this situation. some are just interesting, or even funny. enjoy.
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Wednesday, 14 April 2004
Icecream gets a star
While compiling KDE once again I found some time to work a little bit on icecream and revived Frerichs star view. This is a cool thingy, especially when there are many hosts, where the 'gantt' view reaches its limits. Have a look by yourself and enjoy the hypnotic effect of looking at colored bubbles. You will perceive compilation as faster than ever before ;-)
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Tuesday, 13 April 2004
Bug Triage
the bug db is getting out of hand. we have millions of LOC, hundreds of apps, and goddess knows how many users at this point. we need to have a triage team. KDE Quality seems the right place to cherry pick people for it, but i think some education may be in order first. when i get back from my weekend sorte i'll try and write my long-awaited follow up to the WhatsThis HOWTO on Bug triage. but what i'm really wondering is this: would people show up for an online Bug Triaging workship ... say ... on irc, #kde-bugtriage and walk a bunch of people through the process, answering questions, offering reassurance and providing praise (or blame ;) as we go ... hum.
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Tuesday, 13 April 2004
Everything's Bigger in Texas
Apparently including the number of bugfixes. :-) Matt and I -- being the two resident (and fairly active) Texans in the KDE project had a bit of fun going back and forth on the top spot for bug fixes this last weekend. He's currently ahead by two, but more of mine were from actual commits, so I think those should count double.
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Monday, 12 April 2004
call for icons
If there are any artists feeling they can make some icons, please please do! Application of interest is aKregator (kdenonbeta/akregator)
I think one of the app icons may be a little green alligator =) But thats only a proposition, you may choose something entirely different.
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Monday, 12 April 2004
Where did all these projects come from?
I just looked at the mound of stuff I have in my local CVS tree, in addition to the bits and pieces that I have scattered around the KDE CVS tree and I started thinking, "Where did all these projects come from?" I've got quite several going on. They are:
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Thursday, 8 April 2004
kicker the catter
getting back to development is nice. very nice. kicker is in shreds on one of my machines. the non-KDE app button dialog has a nice, spiffy new (standard) look to it. and i'm a few steps closer getting away from the "main" panel being a hard-coded fact-o-life. loading applets via appletproxies will also likely be hitting the bit-bin, after discussion with John Firebaugh and others. its a nice idea, but causes it's own problems while not providing a complete solution anyways (e.g. kicker still crashes due to the bad applets. look at all the BRs on it!). i must also say that smooth zooming icons look so much nicer than icons that jump from small to big (assuming you've got the right icon sizes around in the first place!).
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