Sunday, 8 August 2004
Conference fu
I've been working on my presentation for aKademy, and it looked a lot easier before someone posted a link to a guide about lightning talks to the 2005 organisers list. That lead me to another guide, called Conference Presentation Judo. At that stage I realised I was spending too much time talking about what meta-data is, and why you should have some. That is particularly bad news considering that Scott Wheeler is probably going to spend most of his talk about metadata explaining that.
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Sunday, 8 August 2004
Hack-o-rama -- TagLib, JuK, KDE, MusicBrainz, aKademy
Ok, as usual it's been a while, but I've had a reasonably productive last couple of weeks -- I've been hacking on quite a few things and generally doing a good job of overextending myself as usual. ;-) Here's a run down of the last couple of weeks:
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Sunday, 8 August 2004
KApplication dependency sucks
Caution, rant ahead!
I started working on an extension library for Qt applications which should enable them to use service or features offered by desktop APIs without creating link time dependencies on the respective desktop libs.
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Friday, 6 August 2004
For those not following the mailing lists, the KDE_3_3_BRANCH (and ARTS_1_3_BRANCH) has been created in CVS from which the release candidate and the final KDE 3.3 release will be created. kdelibs/kdecore/kdeversion.h already states "3.3.0" and won't be touched soon again so you can do a CVS build without fearing a complete rebuild to get 3.3.0 Final. Coolo has created release candidate tarballs which are currently tested for compilation. They should be publicly available tomorrow (without binaries) when I will also commit an updated Konstruct version.
The colors of the latest splash screen are said to be changed (to look less childish/cartoonish) and there seems to be a recent regression within Konqueror which immediately deselects text selections. Other than that everything looks fine and there are afaik no other showstoppers known (yet).
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Wednesday, 4 August 2004
System Tray Getting Full
A quick rant: I don't like the system tray getting full for no good reason. My system tray is getting almost as bad as the ones on a Windaes desktop where device drivers put their company's logos just because they can. Why do an increasing number of KDE apps insist on not quitting when I those their windows and instead stay around in the system tray. When I close the main window of an application I expect it to quit, this isn't MacOS. But Noatun, KGet, Akregator, KSCD, Kaffeine and no doubt others just hang around for no good reason. I'll let KMix off because it can actually be useful. JuK shouldn't be needed either since everyone should use the mediacontrol applet which is wonderful.
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Monday, 2 August 2004
Encryption in KOffice
I'm putting off writing my presentation for aKademy, and working on a really old KOffice wishlist item - bug:24399, which hopes for encryption. The move to the new OASIS format (aka the OpenOffice format) provides the requirements.
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Monday, 2 August 2004
I would hate you a lot clee
Clee, I'm dead set against you (or anyone else) splitting up kdelibs. This is a poor idea for a large number of reasons which have pointed out before.
Monday, 2 August 2004
Paradise News
Aaaah, summer. :) The last few days I've been spending a lot of time on the balcony in the sun, hacking away or just developing my tan. Around this time of year it's really, really nice to live in paradise. I have hardly any commitments, apart from keeping my wife happy and the sun screen layer constant, thanks to some projects which have fallen through, so I can take it easy, get my bike repaired, work out some and look forward to aKademy. Oh, and get last minute bug fixes in, of course. If it weren't for that dreadfull surgery my wife has to undergo soon, life could hardly be any better.
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Saturday, 31 July 2004
I'm not going to make it...
Whenever there's a KDE release, I like to draw up a "QA list" for KStars that essentially lists all of the program's expected behaviors (it's quite a long list). I then go through and systematically check each one. I typically turn up a good number of lurking insects this way, and the current release is no exception.
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Wednesday, 28 July 2004
Waiting for the end of the feature freeze!
Boy, I can't wait till the feature freeze is finally over. There are so many useful things that korganizer needs, and I even took the time to implement some of them properly. Only problem is the feature freeze, which doesn't allow me to commit these new features :-(
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