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KDE Blogs 

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Konqueror is looking for a maintainer

For quite some time now (OK, many years...) I haven't had time for Konqueror. KDE Frameworks 5 and Qt 5 have kept me quite busy. It's time to face the facts: Konqueror needs a new maintainer. Read More
Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Upstream and Downstream: why packaging takes time

Jriddell  | 
Here in the KDE office in Barcelona some people spend their time on purely upstream KDE projects and some of us are primarily interested in making distros work which mean our users can get all the stuff we make. I've been asked why we don't just automate the packaging and go and do more productive things. One view of making on a distro like Kubuntu is that its just a way to package up the hard work done by others to take all the credit. I don't deny that, but there's quite a lot to the packaging of all that hard work, for a start there's a lot of it these days. Read More
Sunday, 10 August 2014

PyKDE5 Status

I've been steadily chipping away at creating Python bindings for the many libraries which make up KF5. The current list of KF5 libraries which have bindings is: karchive kcoreaddons kguiaddons kitemmodels kitemviews kplotting kwidgetsaddons solid sonnet This is most of tier 1. The biggest omission at the moment is kconfig. Some small libraries like kcodecs and kwindowsystem don't have bindings because the functionality is either not applicable or already present in Python's standard library. As I mentioned at the start, I'm 'chipping' away at the big pile of KF5 libraries. There are still many left. If you see a library in KF5 which you really want bindings for before the rest of KF5, then you can email me and I'll try to give it high priority. Read More
Monday, 28 July 2014

Kubuntu Plasma 5 ISOs Rolling

Jriddell  | 
Your friendly Kubuntu team is hard at work packaging up Plasma 5 and making sure it's ready to take over your desktop sometime in the future. Scarlett has spent many hours packaging it and now Rohan has spent more hours putting it onto some ISO images which you can download to try as a live session or install. Read More
Monday, 21 July 2014

Barcelona, such a beautiful horizon

Jriddell  | 
When life gives you a sunny beach to live on, make a mojito and go for a swim. Since KDE has an office that all KDE developer are welcome to use in Barcelona I decided to move to Barcelona until I get bored. So far there's an interesting language or two, hot weather to help my fragile head and water polo in the sky. Do drop by next time you're in town. Read More
Thursday, 17 July 2014

Barcelona Plasma and KDE Frameworks 5.0 Release party

Jriddell  | 
Barcelona Free Software Users & Hackers are having a Barcelona Free Software Users & Hackers mañana, see you there!
Thursday, 17 July 2014

Konversation goes Frameworks 5

Eike Hein  | 
The Konversation team has started porting the application to Frameworks 5 earlier this month, getting things to build and run on top of KDE's next-generation libraries. Here's all the info you should need to help out. Read More
Thursday, 17 July 2014

Plasma 5.1 Kickoff

Jriddell  | 
We had a fun two hour meeting in #plasma yesterday to decide on the tasks for the next release. It's due out in October and there's plenty of missing features that need to be added before Plasma 5 is ready for the non-geek. Read More
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Plasma 5 is Here! All Ready to Eat Your Babies

Jriddell  | 
A year and a half ago Qt 5 was released giving KDE the opportunity and excuse to do the sort of tidying up that software always needs every few years. We decided that, like Qt, we weren't going for major rewrites of the world as we did for KDE 4. Rather we'd modularise, update and simplify. Last week I clicked the publish button on the story for KDE Frameworks 5, the refresh of kdelibs. Interesting for developers. Today I clicked the publish button on the story of the first major piece of software to use KDE Frameworks, Plasma 5. Read More
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The Birth of Plasma 5

Eike Hein  | 
I'll keep things brief, since I'm inbetween KDevelop windows right now: It's out today, and in my mind it took just about nine months to make it. Nine months, now that's a timescale with some cachet. Read More