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Thursday, 11 September 2014

Akademy Poll

Jriddell  | 
Best thing about Akademy Brno
Thursday, 11 September 2014

Akademy Wednesday and Thursday Photo Blog

Jriddell  | 
Hacking hard in the hacking room Blue Systems Beer You will keep GStreamer support in Phonon Read More
Thursday, 11 September 2014

Kexi Report Designer Jobs

It's not a secret that reasonable explained and mentored junior jobs attract new great contributors. Based on a popular request, here's massive (growing) list of 10 new Junior Jobs for Kexi. Now they are mostly related to Kexi Report Designer, which receives a lot of love recently as an unique Free Software solution of this kind. Read More
Saturday, 6 September 2014

Akademy Day 0 Photo Blog

Jriddell  | 
Welcome to Czech, it has beautiful sunsets Welcome to Akademy at the Brno University of Technology Read More
Saturday, 6 September 2014

Akademy Day 1 Photo Blog

Jriddell  | 
Some of the Kubuntu Devs Talking and hacking in the corridor Sebas celebrates the release of Plasma 5 David Explains Frameworks 5 Morning exercises led by President Lydia 3D printing Konqi and family
Thursday, 4 September 2014

Kexi: GSoC, JJ, Porting

There were quite a few Kexi releases since my last blog entry. I tell you, the focus in this work was on improving stability. As an effect, reportedly, there can be a whole day of work without stability issues. Not bad.. Read More
Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Should Scotland be an Independent Country?

Jriddell  | 
Today my postal vote in the referendum for Scottish independence was sent off. I usually use my personal blog for non technical bits but I thought some readers of my KDE Blog might be interested in this as it does affect the geopolitics of pretty much the whole world. Read More
Saturday, 30 August 2014

Lazy declarative programming in C++11

Oever  | 
make does it, Haskell does it, spreadsheets do it, QML can do it and below I explain how to do it with C++11: declarative programming. And not just any declarative programming, but my favorite kind: lazy evaluation. Read More
Friday, 22 August 2014

Do you need to be brain damaged to care about desktop Linux? and Kubuntu day at Akademy

Jriddell  | 
After sell out dates in Glasgow and Belgium the tour of my dramatic talk "Do you need to be brain damaged to care about desktop Linux?" is making a stop in Brno for the KDE Conference Akademy. In it I'll talk about the struggles of recoving from a head injury mixed with creating a beautiful and friendly Linux distro: Kubuntu. It'll have drame, it'll have emotion, it'll have a discussion of the relative merits of community against in-house development. Make sure you book your tickets now! Read More
Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Qt Licence Update

Jriddell  | 
Today Qt announced some changes to their licence. The KDE Free Qt team have been working behind the scenes to make these happen and we should be very thankful for the work they put in. Qt code was LGPLv2.1 or GPLv3 (this also allows GPLv2). Existing modules will add LGPLv3 to that. This means I can get rid of the part of the KDE Licensing Policy which says "Note: code may not be copied from Qt into KDE Platform as Qt is LGPLv2.1 only which would prevent it being used under LGPL 3". Read More