Sunday, 24 May 2015
Refactorings for KDevelop
I am going to implement some refactoring tools for KDevelop (GSoC 2015). After reading libTooling documentation (quite nice), some guides and reviewing some KDevelop/KDevPlatform/kdev-clang source code my ideas become more sharp. That's some of my thoughts.
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Friday, 22 May 2015
Updates on Kate's Rust plugin, syntax highlighting and the Rust source MIME type
The other day I introduced a new Rust code completion plugin for Kate, powered by Phil Dawes' nifty Racer. Since then there's been a whole bunch of additional developments!
New location Originally in a scratch repo of mine, the plugin has now moved into the Kate repository. That means the next Kate release will come with a Rust code completion plugin out of the box! (Though you'll still need to grab Racer yourself, at least until it finds its way into distributions.)
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Monday, 18 May 2015
Basic code completion for Rust in KDE's Kate (and later KDevelop)
A few days ago the Rust community announced v1.0 of their new systems programming language, Rust. Having followed the project for some time and finally having used the language for a number of small projects this year, I've come to feel that using Rust is interesting, fun and productive. I'd like to highly encourage everyone to give it a look now that it's finally considered ready for prime time.
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Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Simple Qt container optimization you should do on your code
Most of us know we shouldn't let our containers detach. QList, QVector, QString, etc. are implicitly shared. Copying them is cheap, but when we call a non const member function it will detach and trigger a deep copy.
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Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Moving desktop widgets without the handle
Getting a move on (notice the mouse pointer)
In Plasma Desktop 5.3 (released today), the desktop configuration dialog offers a new experimental tweak: A mode in which widgets can be dragged around by pressing and holding anywhere on the widget. When enabled, the widget handle is also no longer shown just on hover, but only after a press and hold.
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Saturday, 25 April 2015
Building on new pillars: Activities and KPeople in Plasma 5.3
With the release of Plasma 5.3 only days away, it's time to start talking about some of the new features users of Plasma Desktop will get their hands on in the new version.
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Sunday, 29 March 2015
PyKDE Future: Seeking a New Maintainer
For anyone who has been paying any attention of PyKDE5 over the last year or so, it is no secret that development and maintenance has been at a standstill. I've been very busy with a family and small children, and that eats time like you wouldn't believe. (Unit number 2 is almost 6 months now, healthy and happy I can report.) But another important factor is that my interests have shifted towards web related technologies over the last few years.
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Sunday, 25 January 2015
A new year and a whole lot of stuff (part 1 of 2)
It's been an awful while since I last blogged, we all go though periods where things get rather crazy all at once or boring, mine went though both.
Jobs It took awhile (try 9 months!), but I started one job but decided to resign half a year later when I felt things didn't connect well. I still wish them all the best, they were nice people. Now, I work at a great Open Source company, Remote Learner, we focus on Moodle and provide upstream patches, new features and addons. I spend my time in the DevOps/Infrastructure side of things with Puppet and random scripts. I have a great team and we do awesome things with git too.
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Saturday, 17 January 2015
Improving KDE's support for Korean (and other CJK languages)
The Hunminjeongeum (or 훈민정음). This 1446 document first introduced the modern Korean writing system to the Korean people and is now listed among the UNESCO Memory of the World. (Photo: Jeon Han, CC BY-SA 2.0)
In addition to my usual work on things like Plasma, I've been hacking away on bugs that pose barriers to the use of the Korean language and writing system in KDE/Qt systems lately (I took up studying Korean as a new hobby). As a bonus, many fixes also tend to help out users of other CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) languages, or even generally of languages other than English.
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Sunday, 11 January 2015
New TODO application that blocks distractions while you work
TL;DR: flow is a sticky TODO manager with support for the pomodoro technique and blocks distractions (cat pictures too) while you're focusing on a task: git, AUR, Windows, OSX
"A good task manager application is one that can beat a .txt file."
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