News from KDE PIM in July/August 2019
Following Volker's last blog on this topic, here are some highlights of the recent work that has been done around Kontact / PIM during this summer. First of all, stats: there were around 1200 commits in the past two months, leading to the new 19.08 release.
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2019 Toulouse PIM sprint report
Like every year, a number of KDE PIM developers met in Toulouse for a bit of bugfixing.
Discussions and decisions There were a number of those, the most important ones being about food, of course. Among the topics of lesser importance: turning some PIM libraries into KF5 frameworks (that's just their way to dump more work on me, clearly... but it also means a lot of cleanup work for Volker, first), outreach to the Plasma Mobile PIM team, how to increase the number of attendees for this kind of sprint, how to make it easier to start contributing to KDE PIM, how to blog more often about progress.
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2018 Toulouse PIM sprint report
Like every year, the PIM developers met in Toulouse for a bit of bugfixing ;)
Except for Dan Vratil, we forgot to blog about it, here's a belated blog post with what we did there.
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