
My First Akademy Adventure

Wednesday, 18 September 2024
This year was my first Akademy, and I was thrilled to be able to attend in person. Even better, some veterans said it was the best Akademy so far. It was great to see some people I had met in April and to meet new people. I arrived on Friday, 6th Sept and left the following Friday. I very much enjoyed staying in the lovely town of Würzburg and doing a day tour of Rothenberg. Now that I've caught up on sleep (the jet lag, it is real), it's time to write about it. Read More

Konsole Layout Automation (part 1)

Tuesday, 11 June 2024
Do you find yourself opening up the same tabs in your terminal and running the same commands every day? Have you wanted to make this easier, say, by clicking a desktop icon or running a short command? Read More

Bugzilla Bot improvements in the Automation Sprint

Monday, 29 April 2024
I'm happy to have been able to attend my first in-person KDE event, the Automation & Systematization Sprint in Berlin. Previously, my contributions to KDE have consisted of submitting and triaging bug reports. During this weekend, I was able to meet some of the KDE team in person, and become more involved. I've started working with the Bugzilla Bot code, and plan to start digging into the automated test code. Read More