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Visiting with Wil Wheaton

Thursday, 14 August 2003
Many of your know I met Wil in July. I had heard last year that he really liked Quanta and mentioned it on his site so I wanted to meet him. Tonight was really a lot of fun! It's amazing how easy it is to just get into your own little world and sit at home when you're self employed. It's also fun to see just how interesting people you can meet are. Wil is really fun not because he's a celebrity but because he's Wil. This time we made the commitment to get there early enough to hear him read. Read More

How community based development can blow away commercial efforts

Wednesday, 30 July 2003
Hi everyone, It's fun to have this platform for developers and so I thought I'd put forward an idea I've been trying to promote for some time that seems to not get much traction in the community. Often I get a request that reads like can you add auto completion support for [your favorite scripting language here]? I dilligently reply "I don't actually use that language and we have a policy that these must be done by people who use them and can test them. However Quanta is set up so that users can add a language using XML." Now, please allow me some small degree of indulgence here... but isn't it weird that given these facts Read More