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Martijn Klingens 

aKademy Photos

Wednesday, 18 October 2006
It's about time: my photos from aKademy are online. :) With aKademy being over for over two weeks already and the next aKademy in Glasgow already announced that's long overdue. There are not many KDE-related pictures in there because I didn't carry my camera with me during the first few conference days. I tried to compensate at the end by taking pictures of Aaron Seigo handing over the big Konqi to Marcus Furlong to thank him for organizing this excellent aKademy. Read More

KDE Four Multimedia Meeting Aftermath

Tuesday, 13 June 2006
For most people the KDE Four Multimedia Meeting (K4M) was concluded on Sunday, May 28th, almost two weeks ago. Sebastian put up his picture gallery during the event, Claire has put up her pictures as well. Read More

Post-after-dinner dip

Friday, 26 May 2006
As you've no doubt read on Adriaan's blog, the KDE Four Multimedia Meeting kicked off today. Previously known as K3M, we decided to extend the name to reflect the other KDE Four developer meetings that will be held later this year and give them a more common naming. Read More

KDE Business Cards Woes

Tuesday, 2 May 2006
In my last blog I said that I expected my KDE business cards within a couple of days. One day later Adriaan and Sebas got theirs. I live at the other end of the Netherlands, I'm a West Coast guy, and as we all know the Netherlands are a huge country. It's at least 150 km from Adriaan and Sebas to my place. cough How long would that take a postal service? Read More

Where tapas meet KDE, where KDE Multimedia developers meet eachother and more

Friday, 21 April 2006
This week has been interesting, to say the least. Monday was an official holiday in the Netherlands (called "2nd Easter Day") which I used to extend the break from work and KDE that I took last weekend. Read More

Back to College; Updating a running KDE; KDE 4 Name

Monday, 10 April 2006
Today I went back to the college where I got my Bachelor's degree a couple of years ago. This time to watch a good friend's graduation talk. It's almost impossible to compare school systems between countries, so even while the EU has unified on Bachelor's and Master's degrees it's hard to say where they are in other countries. Read More

KOffice integration kicks the console's ass!

Sunday, 9 April 2006
Today a friend of mine whom I haven't seen for a couple of weeks came by. Over dinner the subject came to the KDE Multimedia Meeting that KDE-NL is planning and the fact that we're looking for sponsors. (BTW, if you're reading this and are interested in sponsoring, please drop me or one of the other organizers a note!) Read More

I should blog more often

Friday, 24 March 2006
I really should blog more often. My last blog has been over four months ago. And it's not like nothing happened since then. KDE promotion and marketing hasn't been so alive in years. After aKdemy Sebastian, Wade and me started the first Marketing Working Group and together with the help of several other people (notably, Tom, who has done a tremendous amount of work there) we launched SpreadKDE back last November. Read More

Taking KDE Promo & Marketing to the Next Level

Friday, 11 November 2005
No, I didn't drop off the Planet. I just haven't blogged since... hmm, since when? Well, since a while. There's been plenty of stuff deserving a blog, but due to several lousy and less-lousy reasons they never ended up here. Read More

KExtProcess Documentation

Monday, 15 August 2005
When I started to write yesterday's blog I planned to add all kind of information about KExtProcess. It turned out that my blog became pretty big when I was only about halfway the stuff I planned, so I changed plans and promised some extra updates this week. Read More

Wanted: Brave Developers

Sunday, 14 August 2005
Introducing: KExtProcess Those who have tracked my KDE commits this year will have noticed that most of them went to KExtProcess, my pet Swiss Army Knife for anyone who writes code that calls external applications. Read More

Apple reduced the diff between JavaScriptCore's and KHTML's kjs

Thursday, 14 July 2005
A couple of weeks ago I was curious about the differences between Apple's kjs and our own and decided to download Webkit and do a diff. It turned out that there is still a substantial gap between both trees that will be very hard to fix. Read More

The wonderful KDE community...

Friday, 10 June 2005
What does it take to join KDE development? Entertainment? Delicious Food? Wonders of Nature? Or meditation? In case you wonder what these images are, I finally got around to upload my pictures from the KDE PIM developer meeting which took place Achtmaal, the Netherlands, two weeks ago. I put the full gallery here, thanks to the kind Fruit Salad crew for providing me web space without the bandwidth worries of my own ADSL. If you feel left out and also want to enjoy the pleasures of being a KDE developer, why not join the community? Google has a wonderful incentive for students all over the world to join open source development called Google's Summer of Code that is just waiting for you to submit the abstract of your first addition to KDE! So far the promo-talk. However, despite being half-joking, the message is real: if you like KDE (and you do, or you wouldn't bother reading the developer blogs :)), why not help us out and become part of the community? We can always use talented artists, documentation writers, developers, marketeers and testers. Take a look at the KDE Developer's Corner and start contributing! I for one am looking forward to seeing your part of this wonderful desktop in action. And perhaps next time you will be the one spinning the wheel. ;-) Read More

In the beginning there was...

Tuesday, 7 June 2005
... my first blog entry. Well, beginning, judging by the age of the 'blog' concept it's probably closer to the end of times, but hey, I needed a catchy title :) Now, why do I want to add yet another blog to the growing collection? Do I have anything of value to add? Until now I've never seen a good reason to blog. Two years ago all I did for KDE was doing the grunt library work of Kopete. Important stuff, and a pretty cool way to experience yourself in API design and code cleanup/refactoring, but rather boring for the general public, definitely not blog-worthy. The last year for me was even worse, a job that was stressful and getting more and more on my nerves, so I was too tired at home to get much KDE stuff done, if anything at all. Times seem to have changed. Last month I started my new job, and I have a lot more energy than I've had in a long time. Still, my personal pleasure doesn't warrant a blog, so why the heck is this guy blogging? Well, recently I have become a lot more active within KDE again, with subjects that are a lot more suitable for a blog. For this first blog entry just some one-line teasers of stuff that I expect to be blogging about the coming weeks: Read More