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Givin some Kiosktool lovin' and how you can give some too

Monday, 2 March 2009
So I was notified that commits to KDE are HOT, and I am in serious need of some hotness. What could be more hot than working on Kiosk Tool? Well maybe KHTML, but I don't need love that badly. So back to kiosk tool. Back in KDE 3 Waldo Bastian made up this nice little tool that could give administrators a GUI interface around the kiosk functionality in KDE 3. Well 5 years have passed and the tool was in need of some love. First step was to get the last of the KDE/Qt 3 compatibility code removed. That took most of the day yesterday. Today was spent trying to add a few features to make it easier for 3rd party application developers to add their application's settings to the Kiosktool UI. I broke up the old monolithic XML file into modular ini files that can be installed into the kiosktool application data directory. This allows any application developer to create a custom set of options for administrators to lock down their application. Read More

Introducing Flo

Friday, 14 November 2008
Well I have been mumbling for a few weeks now about this "Flo" project and so far I have gotten a ton of encouraging feedback. For those of you who don't know what Flo is, here is a gentle introduction. Read More

Path to perfection... ( a plea for feedback )

Sunday, 2 November 2008
“Perfection is reached not when there’s nothing left to add, but when there’s nothing left to remove.” - Antoine de St. Exupery I have been frustrated with the UI of Flo now for the past week. As mindmaps grow larger, I keep feeling the UI get crowded. Now maybe there is nothing that can be done to fix this. I don't know, but I wonder what you in the audience think. I feel my input is now rendered useless because after 2 years I am so trained on how it works I don't notice the UI braindamages. Read More

Order from Chaos

Thursday, 30 October 2008
I have been facinated with mind mapping now for about 3 years. I have been using it on a regular basis for trying to organize disjointed thoughts, make coherent sense out of brainstorming sessions, and lately for every day design documentation. For those of you not familiar with mindmaps check out the wikipedia link on the subject. Read More

Going on the web with Qt

Sunday, 5 October 2008
So I have been working underground for a while on a web framework based on Qt but its gotten out of control and I need more help on it. The initial goal was to write a creole 1.0 compliant wiki based on Qt, but soon it grew into a full framework because of the lack of good C++ tools to do web development. Read More

More with MyPoint

Tuesday, 15 April 2008
So after a few emails of feedback on MyPoint i have made a few changes and updates to the tool. The big change is that I changed the wiki formatting to trac's flavor of markup. While I don't like it's flavor as much as say media wiki trac is what I use at work and play. The major gain of this that it is easier to collaborate on content with coworkers. Since MyPoint's focus is to make it easier for developers to make presentations with developers tools I thought this was a wise choice. Read More

My approach to text based presentation software

Monday, 18 February 2008
I was inspired by Alexander's blog about text based presentation software. This has always been a sore point of mine. See the problem with most software is they are focused on making it pretty but not the content. This imho leads to a wasteland of bullet points with no flow, and people who just read their points right from the slides. Read More

finally some visual progress....

Tuesday, 29 January 2008
So finally i have some visual progress to the wiki editor. Right now it is more of a wiki viewer, but its progress :) [image:3236] So far the basic character formatting is working great. Thanks Thomas, Tobias and Hamish for your help. Tables are next. Well see how that goes. It looks like it will be harder because I don't know the table size up front. I think I can create the cells on the fly, but well see. Its not clear how to create a table from the docs. Lists look easy though. Nesting lists are still broken, but that is a parser issue and not a rendering issue. Read More

Building a QTextDocument the hard way...

Sunday, 27 January 2008
So now I am trying to put the output of my wiki parser into a QTextDocument. I am struggling with the QTextCursor though. Things are not acting at all as I would think they do. I think its because I am constantly using insertHtml() everywhere still... Read More

Creole 1.0 Support Update

Friday, 25 January 2008
Finally I have had some more hack time and this morning I got the last of Creole tables supported. There is still a problem with how I am doing the delimiters of the table pipes when it contains a wiki link. I should be able to fix this this weekend. There are also problems with nested lists, but this is something that I hope to fix this weekend also. Read More

Creole support

Friday, 4 January 2008
So I have been working on a Wiki parser in Qt and so far have most of the basic cases working. I tried two approaches one with a series of regexps and the other using a tokenizing parser. Read More

Plotting my revenge...

Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Okay so I can say 2007 sucked the big one, but 2008 is looking good so far. 2006-2007 had been a pretty rough time for me. In 2006 I set aside my consulting company and my wife left me. It was a little too much drama and change for me. 2007 was pretty much set dealing with the crap that followed all the changes of 2006. I would like to apologize to everyone for letting KDE Developers fall by the wayside at that time. Special thanks for jriddell and beineri for picking up the slack there. Read More


Sunday, 13 August 2006
Well I got in a few good nights of hacking on KJSEmbed and am getting back up to speed again. Last night I fixed a big problem rich was having in the scribble demo. Read More

Moving on...

Friday, 4 August 2006
Some of you may have heard already that I am moving on from SourceXtreme, Inc. Due to the stress of being involved as a partner in a small company I decided to set it aside for a while so I could concentrate on my mental health and KDE development again. Read More

what kind of nethack monster are you?

Thursday, 26 January 2006
Proof that finding useful stuff on the internet is much harder than it should be. This was found as a side link with a google search for "stroke matching"... |%..... |./U... +.....[ If I were a NetHack monster, I would be an umber hulk. I know where I'm going and will work through anything to get there, even if my methods sometimes appear confusing.Which NetHack Monster Are You? Read More

Just a thought...

Thursday, 5 January 2006
There has been some talk here at the office about making custom stylized buttons in Qt 4. Since the Qt 4.1 painting is pretty friggen cool I played around with a tool that can generate stylized buttons. Read More

Advanced Qt layouts

Wednesday, 30 November 2005
One of the cool things about Qt that seems to be ignored is the QLayout classes. Most of us are content to use simple things like QHBox and QVBox layouts to get what we want. But what happens when you need more complex behavior? Well the trolls gave us the ability to create new layouts with a trivial amount of code... Read More

close your eyes and sleep...

Thursday, 1 September 2005
well finally my wife's grandfather has passed away. we went out last week to visit him, so at least we got some closure there and a chance to say good bye. this is quite difficult as i am here and she is home alone. its also not like this is for the worst, his health has been worse every year, and he has been in constant pain for years. so hopefully he found peace, and so will the rest of the family. i guess i cannot think of anything more to talk about right now, i just wanted to let everyone know that its all worked it's self out now. Read More

i hate these things...

Monday, 15 August 2005
At 10pm yesterday my father in law phoned me to tell me that his father was in the hospital with pneumonia, and will most likely not be going home. He has been quite sick for some time, and over the past 3 years more and more complications from cancer, chemotherapy, surgeries etc have really tired him out. Still, its hard even when you can see it coming. This left me the painful task to breaking the news to jess... Read More


Tuesday, 14 June 2005
So I made the mistake of reading my email first thing this morning and came across this gem: It made me reflect on how I have come to dislike some users of open source. Personally I am sure Mr. Rice is an nice person, and I would probably have a good time if we went out for a drink, but his email encapsulates the annoying message I hear at every LUG meeting and every Linux show I have the displeasure of attending. They want everything for free, and complain when they have to pay for anything. They fail to even appreciate what developers do out of hobby, or good will. Read More

Status of KJSEv4

Wednesday, 1 June 2005
Oh man, these last few weeks have been rough. I got a new toy, but that is an entirely different blog all together. So here is the lowdown on what I got working with KSJEmbed in the last few weeks: Read More

yeah im like everybody else now

Wednesday, 4 May 2005
yeah i just could not resist now i can be like everybody else ;) at least now my avatar should not scare small children.

KJSEmbed takes wings...

Sunday, 1 May 2005
So over the last few weeks I have started work on the new KJSEmbed that will be in KDE 4. In a change of heart that is an entirely different blog all together I have decided that I will push to have KJSEmbed in the core of KDE 4. Read More

Save the dinosaurs!

Wednesday, 27 April 2005
So because of events outside of my own wilful control I have been mandated to render every computer in the house booting or recycle it. Now past the fact that there are about 20 some computers in the basement, and that some of them have operating systems I wrote long ago in school I have some keepers that are in dire need of help. So if anyone has some help/hints/boot disks please send them my way. Basicy the systems on the rocks are: Read More

Growing pains and hunting for blood

Wednesday, 13 April 2005
Man it seems like months since I have taken the time to blog, but this quarter just flew by. Since Zack joined the party at Trolltech we have been on the hunt for more developers. Now Zack in Norway is cool, he's doing cool stuff and in the end its all going to help me make better products for my clients. Read More

Reflections on usability...

Wednesday, 13 April 2005
this was a comment to [Usability, Usability, Usability] but it grew too big and figured it would best be in a blog. Note I am not a usability expert, as I only took two courses in "Human factors in engineering". These where geared more towards industrial automation, where the users usually had minimal education, and the repercussions of "hitting a wrong button" usually resulted in death, dismemberment, or a very nasty mess to clean up. Computer usability is a bit different, but I feel some elements tie over. Read More


Monday, 21 February 2005
Okay so zack and i where at lunch talking about KDE 4. One item that came up was the idea of a simple editor part. Currently KOffice has the KoShell, but imagine having something with the Kate interface that could edit images, text, simple rich text, sounds, etc... This would by no means replace KDevelop or Quanta, but it would provide a neat unified interface for users to edit files. Konqueror currently gives us this same behavior for read-only parts. It has made KDE a very useful and consistent desktop environment. My wife never knew she had an image viewer until one day she accidentally clicked on it. Konqi gave her all that. Would this help new users and KDE consistency by having a unified simple editor? Read More

this should not be so hard.

Wednesday, 16 February 2005
Okay, so you are a happy customer with their shiny new Qt application. According to Trolltech now your application is portable. Then reality sets in and you find you are not much better off than before. Now most developers don't mind doing a win32 build and a OSX build, as well as a linux build. After all they are different operating systems... Read More

all i want for christmas...

Sunday, 13 February 2005 a media player for my TV :P Basicly I can't seem to find what I am looking for. All I want is a small set top box that I can plugin, or use wifi to play mp3/oggs via my entertainment system's stereo system, and a way to put my large collection of avi,mpegs, and vcds on my nice TV screen. Read More

How did we go so long?

Tuesday, 1 February 2005
I remember back in the KDE 2 betas trying to find an editor that would handle the KDE desktop files. They where simple ini files, but I could never remember all the stupid little details of how the damn things worked. So invariably I would find one, copy it, and dork with it until it did something similar to what I wanted. Read More

Wonder if i can sneak this in....

Friday, 28 January 2005
So due to Debian's insistance on messing with packages and KDE's fragile docs build system, I found myself in #kde-docs yesterday. Man either I'm a sucker for kiwi women or I just hate life. Read More

Dorking around...

Monday, 17 January 2005
Yeah so I think this is some evidence as to why I don't have any friends ;) Read More

KDE on Windows....

Thursday, 9 December 2004
The lie: Step 1) Porting KDE applications get Windows users used to KDE applications. Step 2) Once they are used to the applications they migrate. The reality: Okay this is "Programmer Logic". Now lets look at the way business works. Rule #1 the cheapest thing is to do nothing. The second cheapest thing is to do as little as possible. This is why all those "Temporary Solutions" also known as "Hacks" or "Kludges" always last for friggen years. What porting apps to Windows does is keeps those people who could possibly migrate to KDE for the use of a single killer app to NOT migrate to KDE. If the only compelling reason for Linux is cost, why would they bother beyond the bare minimum. Read More

hunting for fresh blood...

Wednesday, 10 November 2004
So one of the reasons I went to Mexico last week was to get more Latin American developers involved in KDE. So it looks like I got one and thats cool. We need more developers on this side of the world. We already have some cool guys, but we could get more. Maybe November should be "Hook a friend" month. I wonder what would happen if each of the *American devs got one new developer involved with KDE? Would we get cool new features? Would we get new top bug fixers? Might be fun. Read More

Things I learned in México

Thursday, 4 November 2004
Burritos are not Mexican food. ( I was crushed on this revelation ) "Ian" (e-in) is an insult in Spanish. ( J-Pablo taught me everything I know about the language ) The only words J-Pablo knows in English are "you f*cking bastard". ( There was some other grunting and mumbling but I was told this is normal for him ) There are no women in Chile, only llamas. ( I will never go to a porn site in .cl again ) Mexicans do not actually practice canabalism. ( I had to sort this one out for all my inbread friends in Texas ) Crossing the streets in Mexico is their solution to population control. ( It's like lemmings with people and busses man ) Duncan and J-Pablo can not sing along to "Guns and Roses". (I was told this was a form of Latin American torture.) HP has superior technology. ( At least when it comes to picking out their booth babes. ) Mr. Potato is the most popular application in México. ( I have no clue how this happened ) Tequila is better than llama piss (pisco). ( I think there is a connection here between this one and #4, but I will leave that as an exercise for the reader ) J-Pablo need to get more issues of linux journal. ( Either that or we need to stop drinking Nescafe ) Never steal j-Pablo's tacos. ( I have never seen someone get so upset over missing tacos, then again I think he was still drunk at the time ) Basicly this week has been quite a bit of fun. Here at the XpoLinux I had a choice of staying in a hotel, or staying with a host. I wanted to meet new people in Open Source so Duncan and I chose to stay with a host. So they put us up at a Gnome developer's house. Needless to say, we drank way to much, and had a blast. J-Pablo is a great host even if he sings badly. It was nice to see the OSS community in .mx growing. I think it is horribly underestimated by .us and the rest of the world. While they are no silicon valley, they do have a growing tech center in Monterrey. I think we also scored a few more Mexican developers and someone who will do a Latin American localization of KDE (something sorely needed). KDevelop was a wild success, and it made quite a powerful impression for people who think GUI programming is difficult. I blame Microsoft and Sun for this, but that is another story. At any rate there is an opportunity here, and I think KDE is going to be there. For the record there where no Gnomes, Dragons, or Llamas killed in the process of my educational experiance.

Some visual progress....

Monday, 18 October 2004
Okay so now I have the octave console done, and now I am working on getting a nice GUI around the plotting stuff.... Well it seems the authors of GNUPlot are better at making graphs than writing code... Read More

girls 'ill do that to you....

Friday, 8 October 2004
So they say necessity is the mother of all invention... personally I tend to believe its the affections of a woman ;) Basicly it started last week, my wife is working on her masters in EE, and found out that the lab at work didn't have Matlab installed for his DSP class. So I told her about GNU Octave and she was for the most part thrilled. Read More

QMake as a KDE Platform

Friday, 1 October 2004
One of the largest problems we have in KDevelop is that people use our templates. The problem with templates is they are obsolete the second you install them on your project. You don't get bug fixes from new KDevelop releases, you don't get updates when autotools or something changes. So they do over time become a serious liability. Read More

So long autotools!

Tuesday, 28 September 2004
So I am fed up with autotools. Its possibly the worst possible build system I have ever had the displeasure of being abused by. Its probably because I never got into m4 macros, or testing the size of an int of my machine every time I try to build a project. So finally with the arrival of Package Config and QMake I can rid myself of this horrible mess. Anyone looking at the QMake documentation might discount it immediately as a serious build system. Since its VERY simple. SOURCE += main.cpp CONFIG += application debug thread Is a very simple case. Even the "CONFIG" portion is optional though because it will use the current Qt configuration if none is specified. "So okay I can build Qt apps, what about KDE apps?" you might ask. Well this is where a neat application kde-config comes into play. This application will tell us all sorts of things about kde as long as the binary is in our path. kde-config --expandvars --install lib will return location of the KDE libraries live. To get a full list of all the path elements kde-config returns just issue a kde-config --types. Now with this handy program we can use the system( ) directive in QMake to populate things like our include paths. QMAKE_LIBDIR+=$$system(kde-config --expandvars --install lib) LIBS += -lkdecore -lkdeui Read More

Genericly doing generic things...

Monday, 27 September 2004
So about 3 months ago I took a survey of some of the projects I have been using meta-programming techniques with and decided on two basic things: a) Meta-programming can make tedious error prone development faster, easier and more reliable. b) Maintaining meta-programming tools is not fun. I have 2 KDE projects Krafty and makekdewidgets, that both extensively simplify building a component via a processed template. They are awesome tools, and makekdewidets is so flexable it will even work with Qt only widgets. The problem is maintaining these tools is a liability. Maintaining code within code is nightmarishly complex, and involves quite a bit of madness with copying and pasting in and out of test programs. Worse, it seems that over time the code just flat out gets harder to read and organize. The other issue is the matter of input files. Believe it or not XML is not always the best solution, and same goes for flat csv files, or INI files. I also have yet to meet anyone who recreationally programs in lex and yacc so custom parsers are even more painful. Cornelius Schumacher has done some interesting stuff wrt to KConfigXT and meta-programming, as has Rich Moore in using XSLT to generate bindings for KJSEmbed. I quickly grew tired of XSLT though, its constant brain damages, and completely bizzare constructs made the templates as hard to maintain as just embedding code in C++. Also its reliance on using a xml file for input killed its usefulness for things like makekdewidgets or krafty. So with that in mind I have been trying to explore a tool that can solve my big problems: Read More

So where's the party...

Thursday, 9 September 2004
One thing I always come back from the KDE meetings in Europe from is how friggen spread out the US developers are. Every year Zack and I try to get a few east coast KDE devels together for a hackfest. Last year we had a cool meeting with Adam and Hammish, but ironicly Zack could not make it... Read More


Monday, 16 August 2004
So i was trying to figure out how to copy songs from my favorite Juk play lists onto my mp3 player most efficiently. So I hit up wheels about Juk's dcop interface. One word "Wow". Read More

now thats krafty...

Thursday, 22 July 2004
so sometime last week I got my Sony Ericsson T610 phone. After the fear that I would be stuck using the default themes on the phone I went out in search of the file format or some information on them. Well shockingly what I discovered was quite cool... Read More

Systray fun with KJSembed...

Wednesday, 7 July 2004
Someone a few days ago on IRC asked me about creating kde:KSystemTray apps with KJSEmbed. So I dug into it and found out how cool it really is... It seems there are two parts to building scripts that use the system tray. The first part is the tray itself. This is pretty easy to create you just new it, set the icon, and show it Example: var tray = new KSystemTray( this ); tray.setPixmap( StdIcons.SmallIcon( "news_subscribe" ) );; application.exec(); Read More

Feeding my dislike for java...

Saturday, 3 July 2004
So it seemed like a good idea 3 months ago. We needed a utility that would create Palm data files, and embed images in them. We had a java pdb generator already so we figured hey, parse in the data file and images and we are home free. Sounds simple right? WONG! Read More

Why I hate being a sysadmin...

Monday, 28 June 2004
Well, after basicly 3 weeks of hounding from chris i got the server upgraded. To my utter shock and surprise drupal radically changed their plug-ins and themes. This blew about 9 hours porting as many of them to the new api as i could. I still don't have the members page working because they hid most of the information in random places in the database... maybe ill get that finished this week here. i was happy to get debain installed though. Now at least I can get software updates for the server again, also it freed up about 2gigs of space. SuSE may be easier to use, but what do those 2.5 gigs of rpms do on the server? Oh well so is life i guess.... N-joy the new server, i'm going to get some sleep :) Read More

Windows development just got tolerable....

Friday, 11 June 2004
There has always been this inane call to port KDevelop to windows so we can entice windows developers to Qt. Personally I think this call is bullsh*t, and think it makes about as much sense as saying "More people will use Macs if they port Adobe Photoshop to Windows." None the less, I still have to do windows development for some customers... Read More

A Model with a View

Tuesday, 18 May 2004
Well Alexander promised me that he would give me a QVariant editor widget tomorrow, so I am psyched. I grew annoyed with Qts qt:QSQLPropertyMap and decided to deviate some with my own take on the bugger. Not that its TTs fault here because I am departing from the realm of SQL. I ended up with a more complex property map, but this also gave me some added bonuses. Read More

The making of a Model

Friday, 14 May 2004
Well I have been busy this week bothering Zack and fellow employees here. For the last 5 months I have been fighting with the concept of Java's Storable interface, and MFC's CDocument object. Both seem to fall very short of my goals... Read More

30 minutes...

Friday, 7 May 2004
As an exersize I have been exploring the feasibility of migrating from KJSEmbed scripts to C++... Anyone who has worked in industry for any length of time is completely aware of how those temporary solutions become not so temporary. Usually these over time get less and less maintainable, and more of a liability. I have seen this a few times with one off perl scripts that keep a system up and running, or a simple VB app that is used to order supplies from the mail room. In both of these instances they where a one-off temporary solution that lived on for years and years... the VB app was VB3 on windows 3.11 and the Win95 migration played hell on it... the original author was gone, and no-one knew how to get it to work with our other applications (written in Delphi, not much better). Read More

its coming along...

Friday, 23 April 2004
Wow this week was productive. I added transparent Javascript Array to QStringList handling and transparent Javascript Date to Qt DateTime classes with the help of Harri. Rich added support for setting the application name off of the script, so things like config files, xmlgui, and standard icons work as they do in normal KDE apps. Slowly we are even gaining some users. Even one that is using it for a commercial product. I'm impressed. Read More

im addicted...

Wednesday, 21 April 2004
This last weekend I finally broke down and wrote my second most favorite game in the whole wide world "Daleks" ie "Robots" for those Americans who got the magazine "Creative Computing"... Read More

misguided users are worse than trolls...

Tuesday, 20 April 2004
I love open source. Software development is my hobby and passion.... its my release and my work of art. Personally I take great pleasure when people out there say they run KWeather, or like some other feature in KDE that I have worked on.... Read More


Monday, 19 April 2004
I've been working on these articles for KJSEmbed and have loved the response I've gotten so far. We have generated new interest in the project and gained a few followers... Read More

sorry zack...

Sunday, 18 April 2004
bad news, i got distracted. good news [image:424]. oh yeah rich i also enabled the layout code in kjsembed and it even works. i needed to fix it so i could have nice tiles on my game without fighting with QCanvas bindings just yet.... Read More

Exposure of properties in KJSEmbed...

Friday, 26 March 2004
Well, I finally got around to implementing my pet pieve with KJSEmbed. When you imported a UI File, you would just get the top level widget. Now after my modifications, it will add the child widgets as JavaScript properties of the parent. This is nice because now you can just call a UI file as: var Form1 = Factory.loadui("Form1.ui"); var text = Form1.TextGroupBox.NameLineEdit.text; instead of var Form1 = Factory.loadui("Form1.ui"); var TextGroupBox = Form1.child("TextGroupBox"); var NameLineEdit = Form1.child("NameLineEdit"); var text = NameLineEdit.text; Much clearer no? Read More

Towards a KJSEmbed IDE...

Monday, 22 March 2004
I think for about 6 months now I have been toying with a KJSEmbed IDE and failing at most turns... I'm still not convinced this [image:203,middle] although now I have more Javascript language support [image:386,middle]. It still falls short of my expectations. From what I see there are two modes that people will use KJSEmbed 1) as a macro language for KDE apps and 2) as a "visual lets get something out in the next 2 hours" language. From what I see here KDevelop is just not going towards either direction. Read More

UI crackrock therapy...

Monday, 15 March 2004
After wasting a few hours converting some old C++ GUI code to UI files for easier management I decided to write a small tool to move C++ based GUI code to Qt's UI files. Read More

Fun with spam

Wednesday, 10 March 2004
Well now that I have been working with getting Kolab to handle my spam and virus issues I think I have finally found a nice solution. A few weeks ago when I was testing my email spam filters here I went out on usenet and posted my name a few times. Now that I get about 1500 spam messages a day I have a very nice test set ;) Read More

we need to abandon

Wednesday, 28 January 2004
In the beginning it was a neat idea. They wanted a common set of standards for interop on the desktop... Then somehow it all went wrong, somehow implementations started to pollute these standards. This has caused quite a quandary, now somehow we have these standards that are bound to technology, some of which we could argue is pretty poor technology. IMHO this is reason to abandon efforts to follow these standards until they become standards once again, instead of implementations. Read More

Linuxworld banner art is FINALLY finished

Monday, 12 January 2004
I never thought this day would ever come, but finally I got enough together so I could get the banner for linux world ordered. Its only been on hold for 3 weeks now as I've tried to extract useable artwork out of various KDE people. Finally after some sincere and direct prodding tackat was able to produce a pdf file that was able to scale to the size needed for the banner. Read More

More applications in KJSEmbed

Tuesday, 6 January 2004
Well it has been a busy two weeks. I have been fixing a few bugs in kjembed here and there and pushing its limites with my two scripts... oh yeah i have a new script [Envelope Maker|EnvelopeMaker]. Read More

KJSEmbed is useful!

Thursday, 18 December 2003
Well up until now most KJSEmbed examples we have had seemed very contrived. This morning we got into a problem with building buttons for our web site. We decided it was not worth doing in PHP since the buttons never changed, but none of us had the talent to build them by hand. So enter "cvs:[kdebindings/kjsembed/docs/examples/buttonmaker/buttonmaker.js|ButtonMaker]" :) Read More

Why bother?

Thursday, 11 December 2003
So I was talking to my wife last night who does rubber stamping as her hobby. Unlike me who hacks for hours on KDE she toys around with rubber stamps, various inks and things found from garage sales to make art. Read More

Prepare to be invaded!

Monday, 8 December 2003
Okay so it was a cold Sunday morning, and I just couldn't seem to make it out of bed. So with my warm Powerbook, I hacked out this little cvs:[kdebindings/kjsembed/docs/examples/invaders/invaders.js|nugget]: [image:260,middle] Read More

KJSEmbed now has full DCOP Support

Sunday, 7 December 2003
Finally after a long time of messing with this, DCOP now works in KJSEmbed. Currently we support any type that can be used inside of a qt:QVariant. KJS functions can also be exported to DCOP interfaces now. This also gives us the ability to have connect dcop signals to local KJS functions. A good example that shows off how this all plays out is below: Read More

First steps with KJS Applets

Wednesday, 19 November 2003
Okay so now I have enough to start working on a KJSApplet installer [image:243,middle]. At this point KIconLoader works so we can get standard KDE icons. KIO works so i can download files off the internet, and I can create the files. Read More

kicker applets with javascript

Tuesday, 18 November 2003
Yeah, im insane... but you can. Check out cvs:[kdenonbeta/applets/kjsapplet] from cvs and build/install it. Next comes the fun part. There are 3 files, an .la file, desktop file and a js file. The desktop file is the same as they are for normal kicker applets. The la file is a bit more interesting, this is here to fool KDE into loading the javascript properly. Ideally we can make this go away in KDE 4 or 3.3 at the earliest. The la file must match the library name in the desktop file and must be unique on the system. This will get installed into the $KDEDIR/lib directory with the files. The last step is to write your ECMA Script :) Read More

new pda

Thursday, 30 October 2003
okay so my old visor prism is starting to show its age... its big its bulky and after owning two newtons before that, its cumbersome to use... so im shopping. Read More

Progress is slow but sure.

Saturday, 27 September 2003
Man its been almost a month now since i posted... Well n7y was great and i got to start on a ton of stuff that im just now finishing. The coolest one IMHO is KJS support in KDevelop 3.0. Currently I can create a new project in KDevelop to edit KJSEmbed scripts, and the debugger is loaded. [image:203,middle]. Read More

im on my way...

Tuesday, 19 August 2003
Okay, my bags are packed and my papers in order. I jokingly remarked to my wife that all i need to do is a short stint by boat and i will have gone by land air and sea to get to where im going... Read More


Friday, 15 August 2003
Okay so after years of holding out and waiting as my powerpc linux systems get more and more obsolete, ive given up on SuSE. They refuse to maintain anything other than ia32, not that i dont blame them. They are a company and a companies first job is to make money. Because of this im going back to debian. Debian and I have a real love/hate relationship. I love it for simple things like that remote boot weather monitor station in the back yard. It boots from a bootrom and chugs away on a nice 12mb image... But i HATE it for doing desktop work. Im just not a tinkerer, so im not into editing 30 files, reading 6 howtos and still dicking with my settings just to get X to work on a strange monitor, that SuSE's wizard autoprobes... So thats the rub... Debian a pain in the ass to use, but at least you have the opportunity to use it... Yes i know there is gentoo, but again it ignores my annoyancees with debian. Really I hate to dick with my system to configure it. I hate mucking with settings just to get things to work. Yes Debian 3.0 is better at detecting network cards, and sometimes sound... but 2 months later a sound card that worked in SuSE still wont work on my other laptop. Bah, ive got to pack and get ready for n7y... maby Zack and George have better ideas of how to make this laptop usable again... Read More

KConfigure - its Kool

Sunday, 10 August 2003
So my wife wanted to install a kde app a last night that she found on source forge... okay no biggie, i told her to just get the RPM off of the SuSE cd... one problem, the program was not there, soooo i told her to download the source and install it... BIG MISTAKE!* Read More

Listbox vs Combobox

Sunday, 10 August 2003
After looking at the current eyesore in kcontrols style chooser I decided to share some thoughts on how and why to do certain UI things. The old chooser had a listbox to select a style from, while the new one uses a combo box. While someone may have thought this was cool, its a big UI mistake. Here is why: Read More

fun with kio_obex

Saturday, 9 August 2003
Well today was a complete waste for anything other than getting linux booting reliably on my powerbook again (dont ask) and messing with my cellphone and cvs:[kdenonbeta/kio_obex|kio_obex]. I have to say so far Im impressed. It autodetected my cellphone via IrDA and listed the contents. I could copy vCard phone numbers strait off of it into my KDE address book, and was even able to make it a directory based resource with some help. Very COOL :) Read More

DCOPSignals now work in DCOPPython

Thursday, 7 August 2003
Okay so I couldn't sleep last night, so I spent the night playing with dcop python and found that dcop signals where missing. Needless to say I added them. cvs:[kdebindings/dcoppython/test/|This] short example script shows off the happy new functions in action. Read More

Python + DCOP = Cheap Public Relations

Thursday, 7 August 2003
So i was mucking with dcop some tonight and playing with the new python bindings. The new bindings are much faster and are self contained so you can use them from PyGTK or PyQt. So I was hacking some and came up with a trival app that I was able to drag and drop almost directly from KDCOP. Read More


Monday, 28 July 2003
We have this nice class kde:KRecentDocument (we dont use it nearly where we should but thats another rant ;) ). As I have been working at making KDE more usable I found we dont track recently run applications the way we should. We seem only to track them via the kicker. While this is nice, its useless for those of those of us who use krun, or the quickstart applet. Read More

Annoyances with Kolab and Outlook

Saturday, 26 July 2003
Slowly progress is made, we finally got our plugin to load cleanly in Outlook proper this week now that we moved from MS's crappy STL attempt to STLport. There are still some issues with using STL in DLLs but we can login and dont get 5000 assertions from their buggy STL. Read More

Assigning an action to a folder

Wednesday, 23 July 2003
So I'm trying to figure out how to add a menu to a single folder, kinda like the trashcan when it hits me. We have this .directory file in there. I wonder how hard it would be to add a service menu to that folder via the .directory file? We already use that file for icons... Read More


Wednesday, 23 July 2003 Mothers hide your daughters Qt 3.2 is now in CVS. So does this mean its time to move up?

This is a test post from KBlog

Monday, 21 July 2003
This is a test post from KBlog. If it works it will be ready for CVS. Currently there are issues with the post manager. The selection dialogs need some refinement. Read More

DCOP Widgets ideas

Sunday, 20 July 2003
DCOPWidgets are widgets that are accessble via dcop. You can load a UI file that was built in designer and then access it from any lanuage that can talk via dcop. Read More

KBlog getting ready...

Sunday, 20 July 2003
Well i have hacked the greater part of the day on cleaning up the kblog code. The backend is now completely generic and im now switching the main code over to use that code. Once that is done i can throw that in cvs. Read More

The status

Saturday, 12 July 2003
Okay, the members page is in a usable state, but I think im going to have to rewrite the module because it wont use any of the current filters or i18n stuff. Read More

test blog with image

Friday, 11 July 2003
This is a test blog with image Test

KDE Presence at LinuxTag 2003

Monday, 7 July 2003
KDE Presence at LinuxTag 2003 - [KDE News] This is a test of "blogging" a link.

First post

Saturday, 5 July 2003
This is kind of an experiment. My goal is to provide a blog for KDE developers to share their thoughts and ideas. This is ment only for KDE developers for now, because ive grown tired of the chat boards and news sites... This is ment to be raw KDE. Read More