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it's been a fun ride

Saturday, 20 June 2009
yes it's been a fun ride. For the past 18 months, I had a nice job, but since yesterday not anymore. I think it's a nice occasion to look at all the stuff that eat all the space on my hard disks and see what can be reused and released as opensource. Read More

Happy 2009

Thursday, 1 January 2009
I think the title say it all. so I wish everyone to have a nice year 2009, with everything one might desire ....

it's been a long time since I wrote something here.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008
A few weeks ago, I decided to write a small utility to help me with my work and also to relearn Qt. This small utility enable me to control the boot process, update the firmware of various devices I have at home and at work. Read More

Happy 2008

Wednesday, 2 January 2008
I want to wish everyone a great and happy 2008. It's been a while since I last blogged and the reason is I'm pretty busy with the new job, which after nearly 2 months is still fun and challenging and I hope it will stay this way. It's having a nice effect on my, I start to want to program again (well I think I will go take 2 aspirins and wait until this pass) ;) Read More

Fresh new start soon

Sunday, 11 November 2007
Tomorrow morning, I will start my new job at axentra. I must admit I'm a little nervous but also excited by this new job. After 3 years of being self-employed, and with all the shit I had last year and until this May , it's a definitly a welcomed change in my professional life. Sure I will miss the fact that I was able to wake up late in the morning, not having to dress to go to work and also the 30 seconds commute times, but for a more steady income it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Read More

sometime you really have to stay calm

Saturday, 15 September 2007
and I must admit it's hard to stay calm when you get stuff like I had this week but first a little background story is needed: Last year, I had a job interview with a small company, ok 3 interviews with them, and they all went well because I had the job but I had to wait 3 months so they can secure the money for the project. the 3 months passed and they still needed to secure the money, so they told me that they will call me when they will have it. The time passed and I completely forgot about them, who can blame me :) Thursday I received an email from them saying that if I still wanted the job I had to the end of the month to answer them and I would start by mid October ... So I decided to think about it and now I have to stop to think about it because this afternoon I received another email telling me that the Big Boss deceided to close the local office and transfert everything in Asia ... Read More

a long, slow and extremely boring process

Wednesday, 5 September 2007
it took me nearly 2 months to go through 7 years of code. and I came to the sad reality that only 5% of it is reusable and interesting even the embedded firewall product is not that interesting anymore since it's based on an ancient technology (namely freebsd 4.x) so I decided to ditch it too, no more new version and no support for it since I don't have the setup for doing it. What I will do is to take the knowledge and some of the cool concept I got while designing it and reimplement them using something more modern, here my goal is to not let die the best thing (even if sometime it was a pain in the ass) I managed to do in the past 7 years. Read More

New toy and stuff

Monday, 20 August 2007
Today a received a new toy, a shiny greenphone!!! After the last year of extremely bad things it's will help me get back the love of software development. And to help me find it again I decided to reorganise my office which is still on the temporary setup I did when I moved in here over 3 years ago ... finally I won't kill myself by tripping on network or electrical cable anymore ... Read More

Free at last ... maybe not

Thursday, 12 July 2007
Afer a few months of really bad working atmosphere (see and some of legal stuff, I thought all of this was over until yesterday when the fruitcase called me to ask me to join his new venture, offer which I naturally refused. I just have to say he didn't liked this answer, I have a few recorded voicemails as proof of this :( Read More

Still alive and kicking

Wednesday, 2 May 2007
It been a while since the last time I wrote something in here. I spent the last few months mostly dealing with personal stuffs and so far I think I'm on the right track. I hope soon to be free of some [:/node/2523|bullshit] I had the infinite pleasure to deal with last Fall, I will probably blog again about this later. So now maybe I will have time to program something I don't know what yet . Read More

when developers think they know what the users want

Friday, 17 November 2006
Lately on the kde-core-devel there is a [|thread] which started innocently by asking the permission to move an application back to kdegraphics, degenerated into a small my app is better than yours type of crap and now it's getting to the a nice discussion on what users want or expect from an application. I will post my comment here since I don't have write access to this mailing list and I also don't want to keep adding to the traffic of the mailing list (and mostly I want to save precious time to the moderators :) ) Read More

Tales From The Tin-foil Hats Mansion

Wednesday, 8 November 2006
Warning this blog will content adult subject matters and some really disturbing stuff. I prefer to advise you before you decide to read it. And also leave your brain at the door because it could be permanently damaged. You have been warn! Read More


Wednesday, 25 October 2006
This morning my phone was really busy ... each time it was the same person asking for the local computer shop ... and each time I told her that it was the wrong number. But here the fun begin ... Read More

humor (might be offensive)

Tuesday, 19 September 2006
and if it is ... I don't care :D it's a pianist who try to get hired in a piano-bar and he plays one of his compostions, and the owner is impressed so he ask him if it's one of his composition so the pianist tell him that he only play his own stuff, so the owner ask for the title annd the tune is called: "your wife is a lesbian because she told me last night while I was doing her". the owner asked him for another one , again the tune is amazing, so he ask for the title, and he get " Your sister is a whore, she did the whole NFL", still not sure the bar owner ask for another one, once again he hear one of the best song he ever heard, and he asks for the title and he get "Your father is gay because he blew me in the parking lot last night." the owner say to the guy ok you're hired but please don't tell my customers any of your title. so the first day the buy play and it's a phenomenal success, after the first set he goes to the washroom and when he get out an old lady tell "Do you know your fly is open and your huge cock is showing?" ... " If know it!!! Madam I wrote it!!!" Read More

δ Orionis

Tuesday, 19 September 2006
After months of part time work on this project, it starting to taking shape. What is δ Orionis? It's my own gentoo based distribution. Why I do this? a)because I can and b) I'm starting to be tired of the moronic choices made by all the currently available distributions... I mean the computer is supposed to let me do my work, now I have the impression I'm back to the "good" old days of the winblows 3.1 and 95 era when you had to fight the software to make them work for you ... and it's not good. Read More


Wednesday, 13 September 2006
How to make a chouimat Ingredients: 3 parts competetiveness 5 parts crazyiness 1 part leadership Method: Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge! Read More


Friday, 8 September 2006
There was a lawyer and he was just waking up from anesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes fluttered open and he said, “You're beautiful! Read More

How to out smart a firing squad

Wednesday, 6 September 2006
This blog is the first of a new series which goal is to make the world a better place using laughter ... so here today's joke :D Bill Clinton is placed against the wall, and just before the order to shoot him is given, he yells, "Earthquake!" The firing squad falls into a panic and Bill jumps over the wall and escapes in the confusion . Read More

ok ...

Thursday, 31 August 2006
It seems that some people didn't get point of my [:node/2299|last blog], it wasn't about the fact the project was half open half closed source, I understand that some really critical part of the hardware design were those who gave us our competitive edge in the highly specilised target market. I didn't work on that part and frankly I doubt that 99.9999% of the people will care if it closed source or not because a) they don't have any need for this device, b) they won't be able to afford it c) I don't care :D ... The point was about "Why the marketing drones ask the development team for the reasons behind their design choice if the classic answer are not good for them" ... Read More


Thursday, 31 August 2006
Lately I was working on an embedded project (about half closed source and half open source) and at one point the "manager" of the project asked me why we choose the road we are on ... and all the answers I was able to gave him was a) because it make sense and b) because we can do it ... it seems those 2 answers are wrong ... so now I have to spend the next 2 weeks roting my brain to find some "intelligent answers" for this question ... The thing is, and I know it, nobody took this path before so my answer are good and fuck them if they don't like them ... they are not paying for the R&D they will only gave a share of the profits so ... if they don't like my answer why they agree on my solution? Read More

fun stuff to do :)

Tuesday, 15 August 2006
Last night I discovered a new, and really enjoyable, activity to try to get out of my boredom and depression, and no for the perverts out there I'm not talking about masturbation... for the one I'm talking about you need more equipment, I know some perverts will say you can use a lot of thing to do it ... Read More

close enough

Monday, 14 August 2006
Today I wrote this and it's close enough to what I'm currently thinking: L.ost I.interest in this F.ucking E.xistance .... no nobody will get bonus point out of this one Read More

ok let's do a nice brain dump :D

Monday, 14 August 2006
As some might have understood from my last blog, I'm currently in a really bad phase ( I don't know if I'm still on the down one or slowly get up the hill). Read More


Tuesday, 8 August 2006
I have been feeling down for the last few days since saturday to be more exacts. First I got a fun call from a friend about his new project and once again he take me for granted, the problem is I have a really strong gut feeling against this project, I don't know what it is but something feels wrong about it ... anyway it's probably only my imagination ... Read More

real threat to freedom??

Sunday, 23 July 2006
after reading the thread on kde-core-devel mailing about a common coding style for kdelibs it seems we have to clan: the pro and the anti ... well like every flamewars :D Read More

What's the point of all of this ...

Thursday, 1 June 2006
For the past few months (or should I say years) I'm trying to get rid of this feeling that I'm born in the wrong era or maybe aeon and in the current society I'm more than worthless ... it's hard and since this morning I'm asking myself why bother trying to improve myself and feel better if nobody care about me anyway (ok it's not quite true it seems there is at least one living being that care about me ... only because I feed him and clean his litter box ... so basicly he's doing like everybody else he uses me ...) and something that really piss me off is some people take me for granted for their development projects even when I'm not sure about the viability of it ... this is really helping me to feel better about myself Read More

new toy

Thursday, 27 April 2006
This week I got a nice new toy to play with and hack... it's a Linksys WRTSL54G, and yes it run linux and it has an USB port so it can be used for storage like my Linksys NSLU2 ... the first thing I did was to build my own firmware (based on OpenWRT) ... it's not in service on my network yet because last time I had a WRT54G someone killed it so this time I will to a lot of testing ... Read More


Monday, 24 April 2006
after reading aseigo last blog Point 4 in the list (walk signals on streets don't mean much of anything. watch out for cars going through the red light even if it says "walk".) remind me of a sound piece of advice my parents told me went I was a kid : "When you want to cross a street, a road, etc look to see if there is a car coming in both direction, even on a one-way street. There something called REVERSE on a car" Read More

Being bored is dangerous

Tuesday, 4 April 2006
Lately, I was even more bored than usual. so I decided to check what I had on old backup tapes and I found a lot of applications I wrote for DOS in Clipper (the xbase compiler) and I thought that some of them are worthy of being "modernized" I know some linux based xBase compilers, xharbour ( Clip ( but they compile the clipper code to C and use a vm ... I thought it would be fun (I know I have a weird definition of fun) to hook one of them to GCC 4.1 ... Read More

Some peoples don't quite grasp some easy to

Sunday, 5 March 2006
understand concept like "use the right tool for the job" after spending a few weeks (2) trying to salvage a project (shouldn't have accepted this contract) I come to realise once again that some persons still choose the technologies for their project based on how high the buzzword is on the "Pointy-haired boss" scale Read More

Why if I'm this busy I feel so bored?

Thursday, 9 February 2006
After a long autumn working on various embedded linux related contracts, writing way to many version of a business plan, trying to get some order back in my life (still working on it), and various other thing ... most of them family and looking for a job kind of stuff ... Read More

nethack monster

Thursday, 26 January 2006
|)?!)%+ +.@%/]? |!?[?[% If I were a NetHack monster, I would be a mimic. I can be whatever I think you need me to be - it might look like I'm here to help you, but really you're here to help me. Read More

Reflexion on the state of the society ....

Sunday, 22 January 2006
No I don't want to change it ... it's just that a little before xmas I was planning (and still planning to) to get a OpenDesktop Workstation ( ) and I was talking with some of my friend in Quebec City who happens to be like me self employed computer consultants and they all told me that on a business level this purchase was bad and it will use a lot of my office (which is in a second room in my apartment) and that I won't be able to make anymoney with it ... Read More

perfect major

Friday, 13 January 2006
You scored as Engineering. You should be an Engineering major! Mathematics 100% Engineering 100% Philosophy 100% English 75% Sociology 75% Chemistry 67% Journalism 67% Theater 58% Biology 58% Psychology 58% Anthropology 50% Art 50% Linguistics 50% Dance 42% Read More

Something to think about

Tuesday, 20 December 2005
Today I watched a rerun of the Daily show on the comedy channel (Canada) .. and they were talking about the FCC hearings about the cables channels and the profanity they were airing on the "family hours " .... And I was think what is closer to the real christian values than a guy who is fucking a woman or a guy who is killing another one??? I will let you think about this in the holidays time ... merry xmas and happy new year to all Read More

When you're bored ....

Monday, 21 November 2005
... you're bored :) so I browsed the web and I found this interesting website (ok sort of) and so my Hobbit name is Gorbulas Bumbleroot of Fair Downs and Elf one is Angrod Celebrindal Read More

late at night for somes

Sunday, 23 October 2005
[21:25] <uga> chouimat|laptop: shame to know antonio larrosa went closed source =( [21:25] <uga> antlr-2.7.4-8.noarch.rpm [21:26] <chouimat|laptop> uga: ROFL!!!!!!! [21:26] <thiago> lol

Please stop us

Tuesday, 4 October 2005
Last weekend, in a pub with some friends,we started to talk about aliens abductions and we weren't able to understand why an advanced race able of travelling between the stars will come here to do anal probes ... Read More

fun with little things

Tuesday, 20 September 2005
In the few weeks since I'm back from malaga, I got a new contract consisting of writing a control application on an emebedded device (a lpc2138 based one). And no I don't use Qt on this. The reason is I only have 32KB of ram and 512KB of flash on the board. so I must write all the graphic primitive, a nice change from those multigigabytes desktop systems ... This remind me of my old Color Computer 3 :'-( I miss this computer ... Read More


Thursday, 15 September 2005
I took me more than a week to be back on the right timezone, process all the emails,voicemails from various persons, and I'm still not fully 100% operational, but I'm getting there ( I hope). And while I was processing all this "stuff" I realised that I wanted to write something, and this something doesn't mean it's a piece of software, it can be anything. Since I'm notin top shape yet, I have no clue of what this something can be ... maybe I will take 2 asperines and go to sleep tonight and I will have forgotten this .... or maybe not Read More

/home sweet /home

Friday, 9 September 2005
I left Malaga last friday, so I missed the beach party :( The reason why I didn't blog before is because between the 02/09 and the 06/09 I didn't have any net access because I was in Switzerland to see my mother and some friends. I must say I had a lot of fun there, especialy at the vinea ( ) where I paid 30 CHF ( I let you make the conversions ) to spend a complete day sampling swiss wine ... I discovered a lot of wonderfull wine there too bad they didn't have a big enough production to export some of them to Canada :( Read More

not in public please

Tuesday, 30 August 2005
[11:23] * George ponders what to do [11:24] <chouimat|ibook> George: [11:25] An error occurred while loading [11:25] Unknown host hmmmm I wonder why he actualy tried this website :)


Monday, 29 August 2005
I did my presentation about M.2 and I was so nervous that I blew it ... well I finished presenting the stuff in 15 minutes, I have this tendency of over summarising things ... and it's worse when I'm nervous ... Read More

my 3rd day in malaga

Sunday, 28 August 2005
Thanks to Antonio efforts and leadership the organization of aKademy 2005 is pretty well. for those of you who don't believe that Antonio is a natural leader just look at the picture. [image:1383 class="showonplanet"] Read More

I love their Vending Machines!!!!

Saturday, 27 August 2005
They have beer in it!!!!! 0.80euro!!!! enough said :) and drupal is telling me I need at least 10 words ... I think I'm ok with this meaningless filling

Malaga .... first impression

Friday, 26 August 2005
I arrived yesterday after a 7 hours flight to zurich, 6 hours in Flughafen Zurich... 2.5 hours flight to malaga (waited for 45 minutes to get my luggages ... and I was told it was fast for here :) ) and I was tired ... but wait to much tired to go to sleep so we decided to go to the beach, after a quick trip to the supermarket. Read More

2 Days before liftoff

Monday, 22 August 2005
And still a lot of shitty things to do before :( Like finally setup the webserver and the email server that will host the M.2 pages and mailing list :) but that can wait when I'm back in September :D Read More

I want a 180 days week

Friday, 19 August 2005
I need time ... I have a long list of things to do before leaving for akademy and with the fucking phone constantly ringing I barely managed to do 15% of it and I must also say that the feeling that I had lost control over the things doesn't help so I go to pubs and drink a lot ... I know it's not the solution but it help me to forget :) and I don't know why but this morning I managed to make a really bad coffee (more like coffee flavored water) so I'm probaly get really pissed off soon ... Read More

This was worthing it

Wednesday, 17 August 2005
Yesterday, my father and my stepmother came to see me for 2 days, and since I won't probably see them before xmas, I decided to take the days away from my computers, M.2 and the presentation, just to do something else that I usualy don't do, like going to visit museums ... Read More


Sunday, 14 August 2005
Ok this morning I decided to implement SOAP support to M.2. I thought nothing can be worse than SNMP specs but I was wrong ... this thing is evil, truely evil but since it's a standard, I will probably spend the next 3 or 5 years cursing while trying to get it work :D so see then Read More

ARRRGGG Thanks the week is nearly over

Saturday, 13 August 2005
This was simply horrible, spent all my time doing saving the ass of "certified" IT peoples ... so I didn't have anytime to work on M.2, or when I got some I was drunk so the code quality probably improved a little :) Read More

at your service

Thursday, 11 August 2005
this blog is to make ktech on #kde-devel happy :) currently busy eating my lunch ... yes it's another can of sardines (it's only think me and my cat can agree on) and a ramen noodles pack .... Read More

the long walk

Wednesday, 10 August 2005
last week one of my hard disk decided that life wasn't worth living anymore and died ... I know this bad enough but since it was the boot drive of one of my server it's was even worse that bad ... so after getting a new, I was wondering if I was reinstalling gentoo (nice distro but lately I had so much packages to update that I was kind of scared by the amount of time required to fix this) so I decided to install SuSE 9.3 ( and with the use of xen I will be able to test M.2 on a variety of distro yay!) so while I was at this I also decided to install suse 9.3 on 2 older computers (P200MMX). Yesterday I decided to give mandriva 2005LE PPC a try on my ibook, I'm still compiling kde 3.5 so I can have something uptodate and I also installed OpenSuSE 10.0 Beta 1 and I'm impressed ( that one was hard to do because I had to backup the reiser4 drive since it seems the installer doesn't support it :( ) so now I can use Xen on 3 computer so i will be able to had a lot of interesting thing to M.2 ... Read More

there is something wrong

Sunday, 7 August 2005
Last friday I decided to go to a pub, like I do every thursday and friday night with some friends, since I work home all the time, it a good occasion to see living being with a little more conversation than "Meoooow? MEEEEOOOWW" (Sorry but I can't translate it ... you will think my cat is not properly raised ;) ) Read More

Having a beer with the Enemy

Wednesday, 3 August 2005
As usual we can't get a day without any "attacks" from troll about how KDE suck and how GNOME is the one true desktop. Some people are pleading for more interoperability between the 2 projects, which might be good that will depend if both projects are free to choose how they do it. If one is forcing its technologies to the other then this is WRONG. Read More

They will drive me crazy ....

Tuesday, 2 August 2005
It's seems for certain persons the concept of "Can you give more info?" as a reply for the classical :"Doesn't work!" or "It's just crash" is hard to grasp or even totally alien to their way of thinking. And the worse is when those persons are supposed to be Computer professionals ... in some case I actually wonder if they were gone to take a leak when $DEITY distributed the intelligence, anyway some are just ... I'm not sure if I have enough English vocabulary to describe them. Read More

WTF?? The fun is back ....

Monday, 1 August 2005
I just realised that I'm feeling a weird and almost forgotten emotion ... I'm currently enjoying what I'm doing while working on M.2 and this realisation bring tears of joy to my eyes ... and I must admit that after years (ok let say something like 17) wandering the world and being eternaly bored it's scaring me ... maybe I won't be able to deal with this and go back to my bored self ... we will see :) Read More

Unexpected effect

Saturday, 30 July 2005
While working on ARRRGGH, the first implementation of M.2, I discovered that the protocol I use can also be used as a generic message based inter application framework .... Coool! That just added more value to my project :) So now I trying to see how I can modify the current stuff to have a generic messaging class and who knows maybe I will completely change the goal of the project ... not really but I need to see where this thing can really go Read More


Thursday, 28 July 2005
Today I got a basic but complete implementation of M.2 working on gentoo and freeBSD. On another subject I want to thanks Scott Wheelers to have made me discovered Mr. Bungle, weird but I like it Read More

And the winner is ...

Wednesday, 27 July 2005
I was trying to find another name for m2 for a while and I come up with some nice name here the list: -Bakkus -Rembrant -Kobold -M2 and the winner is M2, yes I will stick with it. And I even find a nice way to pronounce it "Me Too" :D Read More

The yellow brick road is getting boring ...

Sunday, 24 July 2005
I spent all my time since friday working on m2,and it was very relaxing after the heat of my previous blogs. I'm still trying to find a new name and so far I come with those 3 choices: 1) Bakkus 2) Rembrant 3) Kobold (not Battlestar Galactica related). After toying a lot with a remote management ioslave, which will probably be more usefull to control appliance than actual computers, but we will see ... I decided to work on the "deployment" part of the system, it was an interesting experience reading all the notes available on all the available opensource and distro implementation, some are so simple that I wonder how it can get the job done, others are so complicated that I wonders why the agent (part that run on the workstation) and the server are not commiting suicide ... anyway I still have a lot of job to do before akademy. So I better get back to M2. Speaking of this I think I should finish to get the web site up and running ... and post the specs :) Read More

freedom of speech, opinions and stuff

Friday, 22 July 2005
In the last week i blogged my opinions about certain things that made some people overreacted and some of them reach a new high (or should I said a new low? ) in their comments. Ok I made some comments publicly and I accept the fact some people out there doesn't share my opinions, but do we really need to use free personal attack or life threathening emails?? If we need to use this to win an argument or defend our "faith" I think some persons are greatly misunderstanding the right of free speech and honestly need to grow up and get a life. Read More

and now something more boring

Thursday, 21 July 2005
This an attempt for a cynism free blog ... This morning I woke up. got some coffee and get back working on M2 and the latex-beamer theme Wow that wasn't hard :) Read More

it was a pleasing experience

Thursday, 21 July 2005
Lately I publicly stated my opinions about what I believe is the "ideal opensource DE and world", but some people who doesn't share the same faith or the same political agenda kind of make me rethink about my conception of the world, and I don't talk about the trolls who commented on this website but those who sent me life threathening letter on my email accounts. Those who did this I must thank you because you might me realise that life is more precious thant the things you belive in ... and now OSS is going the way of religious fanatics and political activist, if you think about it's the same thing. Read More

About Sarcasm and the evolution of the Broadband moron --- a rant

Wednesday, 20 July 2005
Disclaimer: this blog is highly sarcastic, so if you can't handle it go read something else. You're now advised Since my blog about the Desktop Developers' Conference 2005, where I stated my impressions of the talk and the overall conference, meaning the organization and the behavior of the people, which in my opinion is sometime more important to get the feel of the various developer communities than the actual talk. I realised that some people, not all I hope, are unable to make the difference between impressions and a report about the conference. So let help them with some definitions: Read More

Desktop Developers' Conference 2005 impression

Tuesday, 19 July 2005
DISCLAIMER: this blogs containt some sarcastic comments. Reader discration is advise I had the chance, or the bad luck, to attends to the Second Ottawa Desktop Developers' Conference. I say bad luck because almost all the talk where about Gnome and freedesktop technology, and even those which weren't about the gnome stuff where geared toward it. I was looking in learning something but it was not the case. Read More

M2 need a new name

Monday, 18 July 2005
I need a name for it. so anyone who have ideas you're welcome. (probably the shortest blog :)

M2 once again

Saturday, 16 July 2005
Yesterday I was happy to get a nice news, my talk about M2 for akademy was accepted. So I imagine it might be a wise for me to finaly say what M2 is really is. So here I go: M2 is a generic framework for kde to help for systems management, application, update and security fixes deployment, user management etc ... Read More

New Milistone for M2/ARRRGGH

Sunday, 3 July 2005
Today M2/ARRRGGH reached a new point in his young life. I managed to get the remote management ioslave and the server part of the protocol working. I have a lot of work to do because the protocol is currently plain text. In the next few days I won't a lot of time to work on it I have some contracts to finish ... if only I could have enough money to work all the time on m2/arrrggh ... but that will never happen. Read More

Latex and Beamer

Saturday, 2 July 2005
this latex package is awesome and it make great presentation. Since today I'm recovering from canada day I decided to program something different so I started to make my own beamer theme for KDE presentation. Read More

A Good Book

Friday, 24 June 2005
This week I finished reading Robert Silverberg's Roma Eterna. And I must say I enjoyed read it. The story is basicly what would had happened if Rome didn't Fall in 476 AD? Read More


Tuesday, 21 June 2005
and no I'm not talking about M2/ARRRGGH, i'm talking about the last weekend. First I got some family members visiting me, and don't get me wrong, I like to have some guests around here, if they don't distrub my way of life too much ... and it was more or less the case this weekend anyway it's over and I will probably spent 3 or 4 days just to recover those 3 days ...and I really need to buy a new couch because the own I have is not comfy to sleep on it :( Read More

M2 got a new name

Thursday, 16 June 2005
M2 was simply the internal codename for the project. So I found this one: ARRRGGH and no it's not an acronym, but I bet some people will work very very hard to find one :) The name simply came from the sound made by a sysadmin who simply screwed up something. Read More

M2 a basic description

Monday, 13 June 2005
I'm ready now to disclose some informations about what M2 is. M2 is a generic systems management and deployment framework for KDE. Over the last weekend, I have evaluated some new idea that may be added to M2. Read More

Return to M2

Friday, 10 June 2005
I spent the last few days, discussing with various people about M2 and what we can do with it. The current stage of the project is: not yet ready for public consumption, I still have to make it more generic, currently it's coupled to my own setup. And some part of it need to be clarified so it can be used be other people. What it is I can say for now ... I'm writing this blog just to tease people out of here. Read More


Tuesday, 7 June 2005
Today, I managed to get M2, a project I'm working on since november (not every day I also spent my time searching for a new job, a new gf, getting drunk and stuff like that) , at a nice level of usefulness for me. So if I don't get bored while working on it, I might decide to release it in the next few months ... Don't ask what it is, you will see when it's done, if ever it gets "finished" Read More


Sunday, 29 May 2005
This weekend my father and my little brother came to visit me, so we decided to visit the Canadian National War Museum. It was a very interesting visit. It took us 3.5 hours to see everythings in the permanent exposition. Like every museum I visited, I noticed some "errors", not historical errors but more like technical errors, like the text didn't fit the size of the panel so it was cut by the next display case and sometimes the French text wasn't as accurate as the English one. But the most annoying thing was in nearly every display case the text had label 1) 2) 3) etc ... but the objects aren't labeled ... and since I'm not an expert on the german or allies gun used in WW2, I had to try to guess which gun (or object) goes with which description. Beside those little "details" it's a very very interesting museum Read More

interview questions

Thursday, 19 May 2005
I had another interview lately and I'm still wondering why they always those stupid question like "Where do you see you in 10 years?" I find answering this type of question very very difficult, because it's so easy to give a wrong answer, the person in front of you, can believe anything from the lack of ambition to anything on the other extreme (if such thing as too much ambition can exists) so I tried to say that with the way the job market and the world is changing that I can't say anything about where I see myself in 10 years because it's too uncertain, but on the positive side I might be able to watch all the Star Wars movies (including the clone war cartoons) in the right order :) But it seems that I answered wrongly once again :D Read More


Tuesday, 17 May 2005
I watched Star Wars Reveletions and here my impression: the pictures and the graphics are amazing ... too bad the story and the actors weren't at the rendez-vous ... but it enabled me to kill 45 minutes of a boring day ... so it wasn't so bad in the end :) Read More

It's a lovely day here in the Great White North

Sunday, 8 May 2005
Today I just decided to go work outside, it's a very nice sunny day, not too cold and not to hot also (about 20C), so it's perfect to work on the balcony drinking a nice cold German beer ( make that several) and the forecast for next week is also good so I think that the I will move my office outside a lot this summer ... since I'm working from home mostly contracting work, I can do it. I wonder if I ever get a new job I will be allowed to do it ... Read More

So Am I ...

Wednesday, 4 May 2005
seems everybody want to be a soutpark characters these days.

FD.O must DIE!!!!

Wednesday, 13 April 2005
By reading the xdg mailing list I came to this conclusion because it seem they are creating solution for imaginary problems. And if they are doing this it's mean they have no purpose. And if we can be kind to Terri Schiavo we can be kind to them and unplug so it can die in dignity ... Read More

The "Foie Gras" syndrom or the force fed technology syndrom

Monday, 7 March 2005
The day that I feared the most is near. The day were my use of linux will be decided by marketing drones but this time they are not force feeding me proven technology but unproven ones and for what? Symply for the sake of interoperability between Gnome and KDE and also probably others Desktop. Well it's a noble goal but why using an unproven technology instead of taking an existing one that works which might only need some fixes and adapt it to satisfy the need of everybody? Read More


Sunday, 13 February 2005
Today I renewed with the room where you cook meal, the kitchen. I was kind of tired of only cooking the same stuff over and over again, so I decided to let my creativity free, there other place than in front of a keyboard a geek can have fun ... So I experimented something differents with eggs, the standard and boring chicken foetus, and some leftovers in the fridge. So I come with something quite tasty and good in about 10 minutes. Scrambled eggs with italian saussages, blue cheese, brussel sprouts, tomatoes and spinash pure ... yummmy and easy to do Read More

The "Emperor" needs his medication

Tuesday, 1 February 2005
After reading bug 97769 and the bottom part of . I must conclude that the emperor really needs his medication. But to be fair I need to analyse part of his ranting because his logic his FLAWED . First of all, it's true that a lot of KDE developer are Europeans, but some are from North America, I'm myself a French Canadian, and a lot the others north americans are from the USA. Second point: "We feed our hungry, tend to our sick, provide help to those in need. " nice quote but since when the USA have a social system like Canada or Europe? I'm asking this question because I'm really intrigued ... But the part of his ranting that made me uneasy is this one, and I hope I will not start a flamewar, "God, on the other hand, chose the humblest of peoples and the meek to rule the world, and it is the Americans who are humble, meek, and the nicest people in the world." By reading his comments, this one is a lie, or if God truely choose him (I'm not talk about the others) I wonders what he drank and smoked that day. But since I'm proud of being an Atheist, I can't really understand the need of some intelligent and educated people, to use this old and archaic concept to justify the fact that he's a bully but since he got God approval, it's correct to spread hate and stupidity Read More


Friday, 21 January 2005
It's seem that audio subsystem and application developer all want neat and advanced features and effect and it's good when you are able to play the song! I don't fucking care about fade in or fad out ... I just want to play my fuckings files!!!!! Can we have something simple that work 100% of the time? I think I will go buy an old P2 -400 put a big ass hardrive copy all my music over and install BeOS on it and use it to play my music because the currents linux offering SUCKS but REALLY SUCKS!!! Read More

I got 89 at the nerd test and so what?

Monday, 17 January 2005
I'm still able to meet hot and sexy women ... it's just that they're cough married /cough well maybe one day I will finaly meet one and that will work Read More

Damn! I'm so fucking lazy!

Friday, 7 January 2005
Once again I failed with my new year resolutions ... the first one didn't get pass January 1rst :) I decided to try to be less sarcastic/ironic ... and I failed at the new year party ... Read More

* The game and the nintendo gamecube are sold separately

Friday, 31 December 2004
Why we need to had such disclaimer to an ad? Are we regressing back to the ape? Are the average intelligence of people so low that my cat is now an higher form of intelligence? With those kind of disclaimer we enable people to stop thinking because we are covering every aspect of their life ... anyway Happy new year everybody, even those who need such disclaimer ... sigh Read More

If you need to think about this now it's probably because your xmas parties are boring

Thursday, 23 December 2004
I don't know what to think about this but i find this trend disturbing. Why do we need to bridge the gap between Science and religions? Those are 2 completely differents worlds: one can be throw away when it's proved that the theory in question doesn't work and the other is accept that without proof and don't question anything because you might create a new religion (or heresy or whatever) but now that conservative people are in place of power we have to deal with this. So here my little contribution in this steril and pointless trend. So I ask who is the most powerfull, God (or whatever is name is in your current personal religion) or mankind? Some will say that God or Whaterverisnameis is the more powerfull, and some like me say it's mankind. And here why: with the ever growing number of God there is now in this world, I'm currently thinking that for a man from a primitive society (and I use us for reference because for a more advanced one we are primitive) without any scientific knowledge, what this man has to explain some phenomenon he experience but he can't explain? Bingo!! The manifestation of a God or a Goddess depending what are is personal preference ;) So depending where you're in the world you will create different Gods. The problem with that is the mechanism to disprove this theory is WAR. Some will say I'm exagerating but if you exterminate all the followers of a God, you, the winner will say it was a false God, so you had disproved it :) Read More

Hardware who commit suicide

Wednesday, 15 December 2004
Today when I woke up I had discovered that my router (a wrt54g) stopped working. I was unable to ping it. so I decided to reset, reflash, even opening it (now my warranty is gone) to short-circuit 2 pins on the flash chip. nothing worked ... well the short-circuit kind of put it back in standby mode but I were unable to flash a new firware to it. so i got angry and I might broke something in it ... so now I got a very sexy 4-ports switch with 2 antennas ... so I managed to get my old home made firewall back online ... and if this one get rooted, it's my suspicions for the reason why my wrt54g stopped working I know how to fix it ... mkfs /dev/hdax :) It just bad I lost a full day trying to get it back online ... I must also say that this morning I was for the death penality for script kiddies ... and i still believe we might need to do 2 or 3 public executions to scare them out of our stuff, why they can do like all normal teenagers and watch porn and masturbating???? Read More

The Quest

Tuesday, 14 December 2004
Last week blogwar about porting kde to windows gave me some stuff to think about Which of the current linux distro can effectively replace windows. I don't want to start a flame war with this but is there someone who took the time and ask himself this question ... So i took some time this weekend to try to answer it and i found out that mepis might fill the requirement i have. 1) Test before you install 2) easy installation 3) keep the standard KDE experience ... do no try to reproduce windows. 4) let the users knowledge grow. 5) somewhat developer friendly. and yes the beta 2 of pro mepis got everything i wanted. and i know the person i have in mind when i this this test will be really pleased. Read More

the flaw

Thursday, 9 December 2004
All this reasoning about porting kde to windows will bring more people to kde linux is flawed. Granted it might bring some of them into linux or any unix for that matter but those are only those who like to experiment with new toys.The great majority of people doesn't like change in their life and believe me here when i say the keyword here is change For those who believe that they will change to linux because they have the applications on windows I ask you this: Did ever see what happens in an office when you change the wordprocessor from wordperfect 6 to ms office, or even something simplier than that Windows 95 to 98 to 2000? Users are lost! and some of them are even moronic enought to ask to have a course paid to help them use the new version of windows even if they use it for years, simply because it not the same version number, so they forget everything they know. Read More

It's been a month

Wednesday, 24 November 2004
yup nearly a month since I lost my job. Let just say I take it with philosophy, meaning it's probably the occasion to get a better one, and I hope. What I did in that month, first of all I spent time working on some of my biggest shortcoming, wrote 2 killer resumes (one in french, my native language and one in english), spent time to seriously learning German and Dutch (just for the fun of it) did some contract for previous customers, spent time to find the true love ... and the most important of all I enjoyed it!!! and it's been a while since I got this feeling for something I did. :) Read More


Friday, 12 November 2004
I did this test and here the result: "You are Slackware Linux. You are the brightest among your peers, but are often mistaken as insane. Your elegant solutions to problems often take a little longer, but require much less effort to complete." Read More


Thursday, 11 November 2004
i made a nice little floating head and i just wanted the world to know about it. I know used my cat because I'm really ugly and I should not be allowed to go outside without a browm paper bag on my head :) Read More

just in case you didn't notice

Monday, 25 October 2004
my previous blog was just a way to express some personal frustration about what i did of my life ... but the i quite please of the thread on budhism Read More

Starting to definitly hate myself

Monday, 25 October 2004
I know we usually rant about something else ... but since I'm known to be weird (I'm French Canadian so that make me even weirder than aseigo) I decided to rant about something, more someone, I can't stand anymore (I know that some of you have allready guess who because the title ... here for those who where not able to make that guess) I'm talking about myself ... Read More

new computer

Tuesday, 21 September 2004
This weekend after wanting to have one for about a year, I finally got a laptop (iBook G4 12"). and my first reaction is WOW what a nice piece of hardware... after playing with macosx for about 45 minutes, the call of Linux was starting to be too strong ... Read More

To make Clee happy

Friday, 13 August 2004
This blog entry is just to make clee happy ... he should be now ...

Personnality test

Tuesday, 13 July 2004
it's seems that everybody is doing this test : So why not me too :) here my result: Wackiness: 124/100 Rationality: 100/100 Constructiveness: 128/100 Leadership: 96/100 You are a WRCL--Wacky Rational Constructive Leader. This makes you a golden god. People gravitate to you, and you make them feel good. You are smart, charismatic, and interesting. You may be too sensitive to others reactions, especially criticism. Your self-opinion and mood depends greatly on those around you. Read More

should blog more

Monday, 12 July 2004
it's been nearly 2 months since the last time I wrote something here ... and I wonder what to say ... so I will say this : hey Mom I'm on the web!!!!! :) Read More


Tuesday, 18 May 2004
Yesterday I started my new job at xandros and so far it's fun ....

packing stuff from hell

Saturday, 1 May 2004
I hate packing my stuff but since I'm moving in 10 days I don't have any choice. This is the occasion to have a new start in my life, that was so boring lately. Anyway back to those stupid boxes Read More

lwe ny

Wednesday, 21 January 2004
Hi, I'm writing this blog to let people know that kdevelop won the award for the "Best Development Tool" here at LWE in NY.

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, 24 December 2003
This is the time of the year where we see our families and get/give gifts. And every now and then we get a gift that piss us off, but to not offend the giver we said we're pleased and take a mental note to get him something as "usefull" as the gift, we just received. And in the following weeks, we keep forgetting that we want to return that thing ... so we wake up in June, still stuck with that ... and even the cat doesn't want to pee on it (it's scaring him/her to death). So you promess yourself to spend xmas in the south the next time ... but you keep forgetting to get tickets, renew your passport etc ... so you're stuck again to get an ugly gift from him/her ... but maybe you can give him back the gift he offered you 10 years ago ;-P Read More


Tuesday, 9 December 2003
no blog since august 29th, so I will continue on this ....

todo when back from nove hrady

Friday, 29 August 2003
here my todo list for the next month: whiteboard plugin ... embedded stuff plugin including palmos interactive fiction plugin distcc monitoring plugin ok not much code for now. but the deign are done so now can program them without to much difficulty. Read More

I want a coffee!!!!

Monday, 25 August 2003
It's seen that getting a drinkable coffee is nearly impossible to get here in n7y... the beer is good so ... but drink a beer with his breakfast is not very good for the stomach... anyway the czech girls are very nice so who need coffee then? Read More

Arrrrrgggg 3

Thursday, 7 August 2003
hmm It looks like it will soon be a regular column ;) No it's not about the palm "crappy" api but on SCO ... those stupids A**holes just made me lost a really big contract (and probably a very fun one todo ... well after wrestling with palm anything is fun ... even listening his brother-in-law monologue on philosophy and social politcs .... errr maybe not) Well now I'm pissed off andI don't know if I will have enough money for Nove Hrady (for the trip it's ok) it's after that I'm not sure. Read More


Friday, 1 August 2003
Ok here my todo list for kdevelop: -finish the palm support .. Including documentation and uploading to the device. -Dreamcast support (planning) -Openembedded buildroot support -Interactive fiction support (useless but cool todo ;) ) Read More

back to work .... well I hope

Thursday, 31 July 2003
ok, after more than a month of swearing and improving my religious vocabulary (in French Canadian swears are religious words) while working on a palm project. I will have some time to finally finishing the palmos support and some other embedded stuff for kdevelop. Here the todo: Read More


Monday, 28 July 2003
We need to have the reverse category so we can add happy stuff :) my crappy thing works and I'm happy .... So I will dance ... just to bad you can't, well it's avery good thing you can see that ..... Read More


Saturday, 26 July 2003
Why everything I do lately doesn't work!!!! first the palmos and now my main desktop ... What could be worst than that? My new girlfriend leaving me for my ex-wife???? Read More


Friday, 25 July 2003
Why I accepted this contract!!!!!! spent 3 weeks debugging this crappy rs232 protocol ........ and my cat now know all the french canadian swear .... bah! It will end soon and I will be able to do some fun stuff ... well I hope. Read More