Akademy Award winner Calligra Words
Sunday, 1 July 2012
It was with great joy I received the Akademy award for Calligra Words today. The acknowledgement is much appreciated, and is for sure a great motivator.
I may have been the one accepting this award, but it is just as much an award for the entire Calligra Suite and an recognition of the entire team of developers, artists, bugreporters, testers, translators, sponsors. Calligra would not be what it is today without the effort of every single one of you. Out of fear of missing someone I'm not going to list specific names. If you have done something for Calligra then this award is for you too.
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Still available SoK project in Calligra Words
Monday, 7 May 2012
Since the student who initially asked for being my SoK student has gone silent, I'm now declaring myself available for another student.
I know some people has already come by irc asking, and I sort of turned them down. Well now is you chance to come back!
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Change tracking usecases
Saturday, 28 April 2012
In Calligra 2.4 we disabled change tracking because it didn't have the quality we felt comfortable releasing.
Now I ask you dear users to share your requirements for the ultimate change tracking systemt. But also describe how you have been using change tracking in the past (in any application) and what was good and bad, what you felt missing, etc.
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ODF plugfest and ODF TC membership
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
So Thursday and Friday last week I was in Brussels for an ODF plugfest representing KO GmbH and the Calligra project. The plugfest is some kind of a mix between interacting with other ODF implementors (like Microsoft, IBM, LibreOffice etc), and a publicity event to engage the government and industry in the country where the plugfest is held.
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Calligra seeks vectorgraphics artist
Sunday, 15 April 2012
At Calligra we are mising several icons, including several applications icons.
So we are seeking an artist that are capable of creating oxygen compatible icons.
You will become a member of our very cool community, and take part of the revolution we are determined to make in the world of office and creative applications.
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history making first release of
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
<img src="http://www.calligra.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/calligra-logo-transparent-for-light-600.png" width="600" height="425" After about 2 years of development and 1½ year since we officially formed the Calligra project I'm happy that Calligra 2.4 is being released later today.
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Mini sprint on undo in Calligra Words
Monday, 20 February 2012
I'm at PierreSt's house in Munich for a minisprint trying to fix the undo system in Calligra Words. I arrived Sunday evening, and we started immediately discussing how we would solve the issues we are facing. Luckily we seem to have the same idea and understanding of the issues.
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Calligra Words and the road to release
Thursday, 16 February 2012
The Calligra Suite recently released the 7th beta, and mostly because Calligra Words is still not ready. Building a new application from scratch takes time.
Until around October the focus was on writing a new text layout system that could provide the rich text support that any user demands these days. We were not able to reuse the code from KOffice as it was simply not up to the job. So this took a lot of effort.
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Calligra Words is not a fork of KWord
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Pretty often I hear people say that Calligra Words is a fork of KWord. As a maintainer I tell you this not true. Sure we have ripped about 20% of the code from KWord but even that has been dismantled and reassemble in a new way.
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Calligra Words junior jobs
Saturday, 21 January 2012
I often get asked about junior jobs in Calligra Words. I ususally say no, but now I actually have some.
The reason I say no is that there are no easy jobs left, and so jobs would take much more of my time than I would like. And I also don't want to purposely leave unfinished stuff behind.
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jhk where are you
Friday, 13 January 2012
Have anyone seen user jhk or know what his real name or email is
If so then please leave a note either here or on irc #calligra
He has started some work on Calligra Words that I'm really interested in and I havn't seen him since middle of december.
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Font rendering in Calligra Words
Saturday, 10 December 2011
I've just committed a fix to the Calligra Engine, so that font rendering will be without hinting when compiled against Qt 4.8.
And here are the obligatory screenshots to prove it (thanks buscher). Both are with system wide hinting turned on.
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Calligra Words
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Allow me to introduce the amazing new word processor that will be released with Calligra Suite 2.4 in 2012. It is fast and nible to use, and using the powerful Calligra Engine we have made sure it can load .doc and .docx and ODF documents. And with so astonishing quality, that it will be your favourite for viewing such documents.
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How to make a new layout engine for Calligra Words in 4 months
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
First you need a lot of dedication and time. I've spent like 15 hours a day every day since February, and since April Sebastian Sauer have spent full days on it as well. It also takes a lot of spare time plus someone to pay for my living, and this is where Nokia comes in hiring my employer KO GmbH to let me do this.
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Calligra Words UX
Friday, 22 April 2011
Hot on the heels of the Calligra sprint in Berlin I attended another sprint in Berlin. This time the KDE UX sprint where we discussed many interesting topics (see eg. Aurélien’s blog)
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KWord font metrics
Friday, 16 July 2010
So it's no secret many people are not liking the font rendering in KOffice (they often say KWord, but it applies to all of KOffice). As it has been suggested a couple of times you need to turn the global font hinting down to slight to improve the rendering. I know this is unacceptable to some as they feel the system fonts look worse. Now, hinting or not is a religion and personally I like no hinting, but I respect that other people feel differently. So what we need is a way to make font rendering in KOffice only slightly hinted while respecting the users wishes for every other thing. This is however not possible in Qt as we speak, but it might be in the future.
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Using KWord as a .doc viewer
Friday, 18 September 2009
I've been improving the .doc import of KWord over the last couple of months (besides working on tables)
I must say it has been quite a dramatic improvement. From having each paragraph being loaded onto each own page with the formatting all wrong, no tables, page size wrong, and many other bugs all over, I'm pleased to say that I'll this weekend give the .doc import a real world test, as I'll be conducting a 2,5 hour lecture using KWord to go through a 40 page document with tables, images inside tables, pagebreaks and lots of formatting.
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KOffice tables and .doc import
Saturday, 15 August 2009
So Elvis Stansvik and I have been working on table support for KWord. And simultaneously I've been working on improving the MS .doc import filter for KWord. I've improved the generally font and paragraph import enormously, but in this blog I'll focus on the table import.
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Kustodian - a taskbar and quicklauncher combined
Sunday, 9 August 2009
I'd like to introduce a little pet project of mine: Kustodian, which some people would call a ripoff of the mac dock or windows 7 taskbar. But I maintain it's a thing of it's own, but it indeed has some similarities.
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Image scaling in Krita
Saturday, 14 February 2009
This weekend have so far resulted in 5 commits on Krita. In particular on the scaling stuff. Krita has for way too long had some outstanding quality issues with scaling. The edge pixels were transparent and the images themselves were too blurry.
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Reworked scale dialog in Krita
Thursday, 8 May 2008
[image:3453 size=original nolink=1 node=3453]
I've worked a bit on the scale dialog for Krita. Neither the old one from the 1.x series nor the new one in current KOffice2 alpha releases were good enough. I've mailed a bit with Ellen which only confirmed that it is indeed a difficult dialog to get right.
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New Oxygen category in bugs.kde.org
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
I've just created a new product called "Oxygen" in bugs.kde.org.
It has 4 components: style, window decoration, icons and sound. So please use these in the future if you know the bug belongs there. I'll be adding known bugs from our wiki in the coming days
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Work on Kreative3D
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
I've started to work more and more on Kreative3D. Although it's not useful for anything right now, I expect that I can have 2d sketching done within a month or two. For those of you who don't know anything about parametric solid modelling a sketchplane is a plane in 3d space where you can draw on. And sketching is the process of drawing on that surface.
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Going to Milan for a breath of Oxygen
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
On Friday I'll fly to Milan for the upcoming Oxygen coding sprint. The objective is to get the Oxygen style into shape so it can be imported into kdebase. There is a lot of work for us to do, but Nuno and David are there for the artistic side and Riccardo (ruphy) and I will be coding on the spot. In addition Thomas will try to be online as much as possible from his home.
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A selection of krita stuff
Friday, 25 May 2007
For Google Summer of Code Sven Langkamp was assigned the project of adding different kind of selection visualisations for Krita 2.0. Being his mentor is very easy as already now before gSoc has even started officially he has completed 2 out of 3 items in the project description. Krita 2.0 is now capable of showing selections as:
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Introducing KoSliderCombo - a custom yet themed widget
Friday, 6 April 2007
I've committed a new widget to KOffice which is a combobox-like widget consisting of a numeric input and a slider that pops up. The really neat thing about this new widget is that it's themeable right out of the box because I've reused QStyle to draw it.
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A curve widget anyone?
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
[image:2731 height=200]
I'm trying to create some interest in this curve widget for a wider audience. For almost two years now Krita have had it, though it originates from digiKam where it adjusts colors. I took the original code and pretty much rewrote it to be more generic. And that was a good call, because a year later Bart Coppens used it for something completely different namely the pressure sensitivity of tablets.
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