kdedevelopers.org spam cleansing
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Upon user reports we've found a new way spammers abuse our web site, so I've upgraded the drupal to the latest version to be able to install some more anti-spam features. We're currently slowly digging through the damage and delete stuff as necessary.
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New features
Tuesday, 8 July 2003
Today I added modules that will allow us to use "Fancy Quotes" and (tm) & (r). (tm) can be made by placeing tm in parenthases and (r) can be done by placeing a r inside.
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Quotes Fixed
Monday, 7 July 2003
Since this was the most visibility annoying bug out there I got " and ' fixed now. I have a problem with the fact that I have drupal shared between two virtual servers. For some reason only Directory will allow override with an absolute path, Location wont work with an alias, so I need to figure out how to best do that. Any Ideas would be great.
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