This Week in KDE Apps: Usability improvements, new features, and updated apps

Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in KDE Apps"! Every week we cover as much as possible of what's happening in the world of KDE apps.
This week we look at the usability improvements landing in Alligator, Dolphin, and Itinerary; new features for KMyMoney, Tokodon and NeoChat; and updated versions of Amarok and Skrooge.
Alligator RSS feed reader
You can now mark one feed or all feeds as read (Mark Penner, 25.04.0. Link), and save the settings when the application is suspended (Mark Penner, 24.12.3. Link).
Amarok Rediscover your music
Amarok 3.2.1 is out with a more complete Qt6 support and some small UI bug fixes. You can find the full announcement on Amarok's development Squad blog.
Note that this version is still marked as experimental.
Arianna EBook reader
Arianna will once again remember the current reading progress of your books with the new backend. (Ryan Zeigler. 25.04.0. Link)
It is now possible to add multiple books in your library at the same time. (Onuralp SEZER, 25.04.0. Link)
Dolphin Manage your files
Dolphin now visually elides the middle portion of long file names rather than
the end. So rather than Family Gathering 2….jpg
you might see
Family Gath…ng 2018.jpg
. Depending on your naming schemes, this might be a
good or a bad change for you, so sorry in advance if it affects you negatively,
but on average it should be an improvement (Nate Graham, 25.04.0. Link 1).
The right-click context menu in the Trash had the "Restore" action right next to the "Delete" action, which made it easy to accidentally click the opposite of what you wanted leading to data loss. This week Nate moved the "Delete" action to the very end of the menu so this no longer happens. Also the "Restore" wording was changed to "Restore to Former Location" for clarity (Nate Graham, 25.04.0. Link 1).

Felix fixed a regression in Dolphin 24.12.0 on X11 which caused the keyboard focus to move to the Places or Terminal panels when Dolphin is minimized and then unminimized (Felix Ernst, 24.12.2. Link).
KDE Itinerary Digital travel assistant
The Itinerary team improved travel document extractors for Bilkom and PKP PDF tickets (Grzegorz Mu, 24.12.2. Link 1 and link 2), International Trenitalia ticket barcodes (Volker Krause, 25.04.0. Link), and the Danish language support for (Volker Krause, 24.12.3. Link).
The team also switched the querying public transport information feature from Deutsche Bahn to a new API after the previous one was disabled. This unfortunately results in the loss of some previously available trip information (Volker Krause, 24.12.2. Link).
Note that this same issue affects KTrip and for the same reason.
Keysmith Two-factor code generator for Plasma Mobile and Desktop
It's now possible to import accounts via otpauth://
URIs in QR codes (Jack Hill, 25.04.0. Link).

KDE Connect Seamless connection of your devices
The list of devices in the sidebar is now properly scrollable (Christoph Wolk, 25.04.0. Link).
Kdenlive Video editor
The scaling algorithm has been improved and now, when you zoom, individual pixels without blur are clearly displayed (Jean-Baptiste Mardelle, 24.04.0. Link).
Note that this change is currently only available on Linux.

KMyMoney Personal finance manager based on double-entry bookkeeping
Thomas added a new feature that shows paid out dividends in investment reports and in the calculation of returns (Thomas Baumgart. Link), and Ralf added a column showing the annualized return in the investment performance reports (Ralf Habacker Link).
LabPlot Interactive Data Visualization and Analysis
Israel made it possible for LabPlot to read the value generated by a formula from a cell instead of the formula text iself when importing data from Excel files (Israel Galadima. Link).
Merkuro Mail Read and write emails
The email lists in Merkuro Mail now supports selecting multiple emails at once, dragging and dropping and keyboard navigation (Carl Schwan, 25.04.0. Link 1 and link 2).
It's also now possible to move or copy emails to another folder manually.

NeoChat Chat on Matrix
Joshua implemented requests for user data erasure (Joshua Goins, 25.04.0. Link) and Carl fixed the bug that stopped the context menu froma appearing in the maximized image preview (Carl Schwan, 24.12.3. Link).
Skrooge Single-entry bookkeeping for home use
The Skrooge Team announced the release of version 25.1.0 of its Personal Finances Manager. This is the first version ported to Kf6/Qt6. You can find the full announcement here.

Tokodon Browse the Fediverse
Joshua improved the compatibility with GoToSocial servers even more (Joshua Goins, 25.04.0. Link) and also made it possible to share an account handle via a QR code (Joshua Goins, 25.04.0. Link).

Meanwhile Carl ported the remaining menus from Tokodon to the new convergent alternative (Carl Schwan, 25.04.0. Link).
We updated the Craft packages to use Qt 6.8.1 and KDE Frameworks 6.10.0.
…And Everything Else
This blog only covers the tip of the iceberg! If you’re hungry for more, check out Nate's blog about Plasma and be sure not to miss his This Week in Plasma series, where every Saturday he covers all the work being put into KDE's Plasma desktop environment.
For a complete overview of what's going on, visit KDE's Planet, where you can find all KDE news unfiltered directly from our contributors.
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