Plasma 5.1 Kickoff

We had a fun two hour meeting in #plasma yesterday to decide on the tasks for the next release. It's due out in October and there's plenty of missing features that need to be added before Plasma 5 is ready for the non-geek.
Previously Plasma has used wiki lists to manage the Todo list but this is very old-school and clunky to manage. Luckily Ben the KDE Sysadmin has just finished saving some children from a burning building before he swooped in and set up just in time for us to add some 30 Todo items.
There will also be a meeting next week to discuss Wayland action items, come along if you want to help Martin shape the future.
Meanwhile former tabloid rag turned bastian of quality journalism OMGUbuntu said KDE Plasma 5 Arrives with Fresh New Look, True Convergence. More nice comments: "I tested the neon iso yesterday and it looks absolutely stunning!".
I'd like to thank Scarlett for putting in loads of hours perfecting the KF5 and Plasma 5 packages and now Rohan is tidying KF5 up and uploading to the Ubuntu archive.