Akademy BoFs

A week in Estonia, the lovely sunshine, the magical forest and all the BoFs you could want.
Qt Quick Training The main event of the Monday was KDAB running a Qt Quick training session. Qt Quick continues to be full of swish bling although the widget sets are all a bit incomplete. The good news is there's not a lot of QML change in Qt 5. Kevin even showed us some new bling from Qt 5 which makes snowflakes, pretty.
Tuesday was the KDE e.v AGM. Amazingly enough we had a volunteer for treasurer. This is such a valuable job to have filled so we're very lucky to have Augustin actively want to do it.
On Wednesday I sat in on the KDE Telepathy BoF which made a challenging TODO list for 0.5 which we expect to include in Kubuntu. vhanda also ran a BoF on Constructive criticism for Nepomuk that looked at the many problems it causes and where best to start fixing them.
Thursday saw the Plasma Media Center BoF and I went over a couple of the problems with getting it to work in a distro, it's been a long time coming so it'll be great to have it finally working, but it needs a newer Plasma Active to be released.
A Plasma Active app hacking session
The Indian continent is a real growth story for Akademy this year, over a dozen people came from there. Here Shantanu and Sinny go over Plasma Media Center