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12.04 Feature Freeze This Week

Wednesday, 15 February 2012  |  jriddell

This week is feature freeze in Ubuntu land and the Kubuntu community have been working hard to get in as many as possible before the deadline.

Telepathy-KDE is working nicely. We're still deciding if it's better to go with the new-but-not-much-tested Telepathy-KDE or the old-but-unmaintained Kopete by default.

LightDM Plasma Theme, not likely to replace KDM yet for lack of testing but a promising way to get a login manager with all the features

Oxygen-GTK3 theme, so your GTK apps fit in with the Plasma desktop.

Calligra office suite featuring Krita the world's best painting app. Handy for updating hackergotchis. MS Office file import/export is reported to be better than LibreOffice because of the top work by KO GMBH. Not the default yet but the signs are good for fixing the "we don't have a KDE office suite by default" bug in the next year.

Rekonq 0.9 and Owncloud 3.0 are both in progress.

Plasma Active! Could a Kubuntu Active remix be around the corner? We'd be the first distro with a free software tablet UI if we can get it done.

If you want to know how my health is doing see my personal blog entry Recovery from Severe Traumatic Head Injury.