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New Kitware office in Lyon, France

Thursday, 13 January 2011  |  alexander neundorf


just to let you know, our friendly buildsystem developers from Kitware are progressing on their plan towards world domination ! ;-) While their main offices are in the US, in beautiful upstate New York, they recently opened their first office outside the US, in Lyon, France, where e.g. their main CDash developer is located.

While talking about CDash, did I mention that I'm looking for people interested in setting up nightly or continuous builds of KDE on "exotic" platforms (i.e. not x86 Linux) ? I think in the future we really need this to make sure KDE stays working on all platforms (Windows, OSX, mobile). On I have already set up projects for most KDE modules. If you're interested, drop me a mail or post to the kde-buildsystem (AT) list.


P.S. now that they are in Europe, you can also get training courses for their open source packages here: ITK, VTK and CMake training.