Cool Kubuntu Users
On the front page we list a few interesting Kubuntu users of various shapes and sizes to give a feel for how diverse use is.
One rather cool user which is missing is Weta Digital. Whenever I've been out the flat this week I've seen adverts for the Avatar DVDs, those blue 3D faces are all made on Kubuntu desktops and a whopping 35,000 cluster of rendering machines. That must be a large proportion of computers in New Zealand running Kubuntu.

Then I got an e-mail from a guy at Lionstracs makers of groovy musical keyboards. The keyboards run Kubuntu for all your composing and music playing needs.
This YouTube video of the Kubuntu keyboards shows them in action.

No doubt KDE is spreading out from the classic desktop use, from niche embedded use like keyboards to massive budget graphics we're taking over the world!