TagLib 1.6.2 Released
Lukáš, who's taken over TagLib maintainership these days, has just released the latest bug fix release for TagLib, also posted in his blog:
Changes from 1.6.1 are:
- Read Vorbis Comments from the first FLAC metadata block, if there are multipe ones.
- Fixed a memory leak in FileRef's OGA format detection.
- Fixed compilation with the Sun Studio compiler.
- Handle WM/TrackNumber attributes with DWORD content in WMA files.
- More strict check if something is a valid MP4 file.
- Correctly save MP4 int-pair atoms with flags set to 0.
- Fixed compilation of the test runner on Windows.
- Store ASF attributes larger than 64k in the metadata library object.
- Ignore trailing non-data atoms when parsing MP4 covr atoms.
- Don't upgrade ID3v2.2 frame TDA to TDRC.
As a side-note, some of my buddies from RethinkDB have been looking hard for good C++ folks out in Silicon Valley doing a MySQL backend for solid state devices. If you're a systems-y C++ wonk in search of a job at a hacker-friendly company, they're good folks. If you're interested and we know each other drop me a line and I'll do a little intro show-and-dance.