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Develop Javascript Plasmoids on openSUSE

Thursday, 11 March 2010  |  Will Stephenson

Aaron, Sandro, moofang, Shantanu and Diego have been hacking up a Plasma storm lately on the Javascript bindings for Plasma and the Plasmate builder tool. Since good code is running code, and running code is a lot easier when somebody else builds it and packages it, I've updated the Plasmate packages in KDE:KDE4:Playground to 0.1alpha2 and have updated the javascript bindings in our KDE SC 4.4.1 packages to include Aaron's latest errata - no need to update yourselves.

So it's even easier to take part in the Plasma Javascript Jam Session competition now.

And while you're at it, how about completing the loop by using our kde-obs-generator to package your plasmoids and make them available on, so others can start to download and improve them directly in Plasmate? Free Software virtuous circle FTW!