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Silent Metronome in QML

Friday, 12 February 2010  |  oever

Tonight I could not attend band rehearsal so I used the time to play with the new QML language. There is a nice tutorial online and a good screencast.

QML allows one to write flashy applications with little code. My first QML program is a metronome. The N900 has a metronome program but it is rather boring. It does not look and feel like a real metronome. So I set out to write one in QML and managed to do so in 56 lines of QML. The interaction is simple: tap it to toggle between on and off and slide up and down to move the cross-bar on the metronome which will adjust the tempo in the range 40 to 208 beats per minute.

Without further ado here is the code. You can run it in qmlviewer. Two things are lacking at the moment: a nice SVG image of a metronome and of course the ticking sound. I am keen to find out how to make the metronome produce sound to make it useful.

import Qt 4.6

Rectangle { width: 640 height: 480

Rectangle { // metronome bar
    id: bar
    x: 320; y: 100; width: 30; height: 300
    color: "#aaaaaa"
    property double tempo: 120

    Rectangle { // weight on metronome bar that determines the tempo
        x: -15; y: parent.tempo; width: 60; height: 30
        color: "#aaaaaa"

    transformOrigin: Item.Bottom
    rotation: 0
    rotation: SequentialAnimation {
        id: anim
        repeat: true
        NumberAnimation { to: 35; easing: "easeInOutQuad"; duration: 60000/bar.tempo }
        NumberAnimation { to: -35; easing: "easeInOutQuad"; duration: 60000/bar.tempo }

Text { // tempo indicator
    x: 0; y: 0;
    font.pointSize: 24; font.bold: true
    text: bar.tempo

MouseRegion { // logic for tempo tuning and turning metronome on and off
    anchors.fill: parent
    property int start: -1
    property bool moved: false
    property bool wasrunning: true

    onReleased: { // start or stop the metronome
        anim.running = (moved) ?wasrunning :!wasrunning
        bar.rotation = 0
        start = -1
    onPositionChanged: { // adjust the tempo
        moved = start != -1
        wasrunning = (moved) ?wasrunning :anim.running
        bar.tempo += (moved) ?(mouse.y - start) :0
        bar.tempo = (bar.tempo > 208) ?208 :bar.tempo
        bar.tempo = (bar.tempo < 40) ?40 :bar.tempo
        anim.running = false;
        bar.rotation = 0
        start = mouse.y

} silent metronome in qmlreal metronome