law@germany: rm -rf /wikipedia
While a new law was accomplished that allows police to break into every house, install a trojan horse on our computer-systems and video-cams in our rooms to secret monitor us, others are on there way to ban internet-games they don't like or to just shut down wikipedia cause they can;
Politician Forces German Wikipedia Off the Net
A rather unknown guy was able to do so with the permission of a court+law and without allowing to provide a statement / alternate view before. That is the real scandal since it demonstrates the new direction of our neoliberal development and it shows that the last kind of protection we had, the law, is finally gone and/or fails to do it's work.
No news for those who where able to enjoy the new terror-laws at the G8 Summit 2007 or who did fall into the terror-trap like some families. But that this is valid now for even such cases does set new levels. Huston, we have a huge problem.