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KDE compilation benchmark

Friday, 29 August 2008  |  tstaerk

Many of us have the cool Nokia N810 that is an ARM system based on maemo. To compile software for it, you will normally use scratchbox. What a pitty scratchbox only runs on 32bit hardware. As a proud user of a 64bit desktop, I have to use a virtual machine for running scratchbox. Now the question is what is the better virtualization solution: VirtualBox or VMWare?

Time for a KDE Compilation benchmark. I compiled KDEPIM Revision 854206 once in a VirtualBox-virtual machine, once in a VMWare-virtual machine.

With VirtualBox, you can only use of of your CPU cores, with VMWare Server, you can use two.

Here is the result: Compilation with make in VirtualBox: 1 hour 13 minutes Compilation with make -j2 in VMWare Server: 38 minutes 32 seconds

So the winner is... VMWARE !