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JavaFX vs Plasma

Sunday, 17 August 2008  |  Oever

Today I came across an article explaining how to run JavaFX on Linux. I managed to install the sdk by downloading the Mac version. Next, I started the stopwatch example: cd /tmp unzip export JAVAFX_HOME=/tmp/javafx-sdk1.0pre1 export PATH=/tmp/javafx-sdk1.0pre1/bin/:$PATH cd /tmp/javafx-sdk1.0pre1/samples/StopWatch unzip cd StopWatch ant run

This stopwatch uses 90% of my CPU when running. It is implemented using one png file for the background and six fx files. These FX files are a mix of code and graphics. Here are two excerpts that show this: frontContent = Group { id: "Front" content: [ // MAIN DIAL Group { translateX: 40 translateY: 60 cache: true content: [ Circle { centerX: 140 centerY: 140 radius: 140 fill:LinearGradient { startX:0 startY:0 endX:1 endY:1 stops: [ Stop { offset:0 color: Color.web("#3c3c3c") }, Stop { offset:1 color: Color.web("#010101") } ] } }, // Tick Marks for (i in [1..numOfMarks]) { Rectangle{x: 0-2 y: 108 width: 4 height: 13 fill: Color.web("#9fff81") rotate: (360/numOfMarks)*i translateX: 140 translateY: 140} }, public class StopwatchWidget extends CustomNode { private attribute model:StopwatchModel = StopwatchModel{}; private attribute theme:Theme = LightTheme{model:model};

public function create():Node {
    return Group {
            content: frontContent


The first fragment looks like a mix of Java, JavaScript, JSON and SVG. The second one like a mix of a Java and Javascript.

To me it seems that using SVG and Javascript would be much simpler and show a cleaner separation of code and graphics. So here is my challenge to you: reimplement this stopwatch with SVG and some programming language in either a webpage or as a plasma widget. The result should not use more than 20% of my CPU with an active stopwatch.

Update: here is an example of an animated clock in pure SVG. It's not a stopwatch yet, but it is very close. animated clock in svg