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Looking for green plants

Saturday, 26 July 2008  |  oever

Do you know about DBpedia? It's a project that lets you perform complex queries on the content of wikipedia. I've been playing with it a bit and want to share some examples. Try to come up with cool queries!

To query DBpedia, there is convenient form. Queries are performed in SPARQL. SPARQL is a query language that takes some getting used to. So I'll start with a few simple examples.

A query for all articles with an image: SELECT ?a, ?b WHERE { ?a foaf:img ?b }

A list of all drugs: SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a skos:subject }

Everything with an LGPL license: SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a dbpedia2:license "LGPL"@en }

All translations of 'Chair': SELECT ?a WHERE { :Chair rdfs:label ?a }

All carnivors that had their name stolen: SELECT ?a, ?b WHERE { ?a dbpedia2:disambiguates ?b . ?a dbpedia2:regnum :Animal }

All married kernel hackers: SELECT ?a, ?b WHERE { ?a skos:subject . ?a dbpedia2:spouse ?b }

All pages that redirect to a plant: SELECT ?a, ?b WHERE { ?a dbpedia2:redirect ?b . ?b dbpedia2:regnum :Plant }

A query for all green plants: SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a dbpedia2:regnum :Plant . ?a dbpedia2:color "green"@en }