Kubuntu Tutorials Day next Sunday
Kubuntu Tutorials Day is back. Join us on IRC for some fascinating chats with Free Software's finest developers.
We have five months of development ahead of us for Intrepid, so this is the perfect way to learn how to get involved.
- 19:00UTC Getting involved. What's happening in Intrepid and how can you join? Artwork, documentation, packaging, programming and more. with Richard Johnson (nixternal)
- 20:00UTC Usability. Is it just about removing options? with Celeste Lyn Paul (seele)
- 21:00UTC Packaging and merging howto Turn your apps into .debs, fix the packages already in the archive. with Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
- 22:00UTC Plasma with Python Plasmoids that are easy to make. with Michael Anderson (nosrednaekim)
- 23:00UTC Bug triage How to squish the beasties. with Ralph Janke (txwikinger)
- From end of talks onwards... Kubuntu Q&A Got a question? We're here to answer. with Your Friendly Kubuntu Team
See Kubuntu Tutorials Day page for more information.