An Exciting openSUSE Month
It has been several months since I blogged about exciting openSUSE stuff happening (all about at the same time). The next few weeks enough long in the work things are on the home stretch to make June an openSUSE month: :-)
- Our official openSUSE Forums will finally go online next week as a merger of three existing forums.
- The release of openSUSE Build Service Milestone 1.0 is imminent. It introduces the technical means to allow collaboration for future openSUSE distro development.
- openSUSE 11.0 will be released in less than two weeks with quite some major changes: a beautiful, simplified and fast installation; really fast and powerful package management; and it will be the first distribution to ship a basic usable and polished KDE4 desktop (Sneak Peeks story will appear here)!
Besides those several stuff is progressing nicely: the openSUSE Lizards blog site for openSUSE Members is helping to grow Planet SUSE; our 'new' community manager Zonker is calling for participation in the marketing team; the User Directory now handles membership applications; and also some other stuck projects/topics start to move again.