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Openchange resource for akonadi

Saturday, 29 March 2008  |  Brad Hards

Spent some time today getting the OpenChange resource for Akonadi up and running again. I haven't really done anything to improve it from where it was a few months ago (OK, September 2007, when I was on holidays), but it lives again.

Those few months have involved a lot of changes on both the OpenChange side and on the Akonadi side of this resource. However we can still read mail (kind-of) and show contacts (kind-of).

Screenshots, using the akonadiconsole tool: [Image:3358], [Image:3359] (click to see full size).

As you can see, we have a long way to go - the data is coming off the server, but we are faking some of the elements of the mail header (instead of parsing it and making a proper RFC822 multipart message) the image in the contact is br0ken, etc. It is a start to a proper resource though.