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Okular meets epub

Thursday, 14 February 2008  |  pinotree

One of the objective we (as Okular[1] team) had for KDE 4 was bringing a public API for developers to expand the Okular formats easily, with no need to add new stuff into a single application. The result (obviously not perfect) is what we hope to be a good base for people to have their document formats shown in a single application, without caring about writing code for the user interface. As usual, just let us know if there is any need or problem ;)

Some months ago, Ely Levy came on IRC interested in writing a backend for reading the epub documents. His efforts were concentrated first to the creation of a libray and a set of tools for reading epub documents. He is hosting them on SourceForge: So, he started integrating his library with Okular, and finally few days ago and yesterday he was able to show us his work, that finally landed in our Subversion (playground/graphics/okular/epub).

Very cool, isn't it? :)

[1] Yes, we standardized the naming to "Okular".