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Thursday, 8 November 2007  |  Jriddell

UDS happened with much planning for the next six months in Ubuntu land, resulting in our second LTS release, Hardy. The two explicitly Kubuntu specs are catchup where we look at what's missing in Kubuntu and KDE 4 plan with our packaging expectations. Exciting parts include better printer setup, kaffeine codec installation, decent compiz and bullet proof X.

This week I'm at Canonical's AllHands meeting, the only time of the year when the company gets together and finds out who all those IRC names we see really are (I got pretty close to winning the game of IRC bingo). So far I've discovered two whole departments I never knew existed, some surprising music talent, Mark looks a lot like his father and table football can be played full size even if it does turn into a tug-of-war. Best of all I get the pirate themed swimming pool all to myself in the mornings. Yarr.

ubuntu developer summit boston group photo Ubuntu Developer Summit group photo