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Science Fiction

Thursday, 11 October 2007  |  Cornelius Schumacher

As Aaron is reading Spook Country I also wanted to chime in with some Gibsoness. I finished Spook Country, the latest novel of William Gibson, a couple of weeks ago. It's a very stylish work of art with lots of amazingly sharp ideas. I really enjoyed reading it. His concept of locative art is fascinating (and I want a magnetically elevated bed as well ;-)).

I guess Gibson really is my favorite author. I even own a signed copy of Pattern Recognition which I bought in a book store in Provo, Utah, a couple of years ago. My all time favorite still is Mona Lisa Overdrive, though. I come back reading it again and again.

Despite my passion for Gibson I'm actually not a very big science fiction fan. So many books of this genre just feel too artifical. One of the exceptions is Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge which I'm reading right now. It's a view into the future. It's disturbing and fascinating at the same time to think that it might actually come true. Come back in 20 years and I will report if this happened or not.