Some openSUSE 10.3 Hints
Let me share some hints for openSUSE 10.3 which just came to my mind:
- If you use GNOME and eg don't like the yast2-gtk package selector or miss the powerful Qt package selector, install the yast2-qt package and set in /etc/sysconfig/yast2 the WANTED_GUI variable to "qt".
- If you want the Crystal-style YaST icons back, replace the yast2-theme-openSUSE with the yast2-theme-openSUSE-Crystal package.
- If you miss the photo wallpapers, they have been moved to the desktop-data-SuSE-extra sub-package.
- For really old wallpapers, think SuSE Linux 9.1, install the gos-wallpapers package.
- And this seems to be the biggest complaint of some people: you can make the Geeko of the KDE start menu roll its eyes again:
kwriteconfig --file kickerrc --group General --key KickoffDrawGeekoEye true"