klik2 discussions inspire Alexander Larsson (Redhat/Gnome) to publish 'glick'
My last blog outlining some of the upcoming klik2 goodness has attracted some rather surprising readers -- and even seems to have inspired some to do their own brainwork and come up with ideas how to implement the base paradigm of "1 application == 1 file" even more elegantly, and with less dependencies.
One such reader was Alexander Larsson, a Gnome developer working for Redhat. Read his blog entry about his proof-of-concept implementation of 'glick', and give is (working) examples a try (hey, he gave up 2 days of his vacation to get some peace of mind for finding out if his beach-inspired concept does work at all ;-) ).
If you read his short explanations about the implementation details, your head probably will become a bit dizzy (for me, the fusecram/fuseiso union mount is more easy to grasp, since I'm a bit familiar with how it works on most of the more recent Linux Live CDs): to forego the need for union mounting (and using only standard fuse mounting), his hack uses the 'rodata' section of the ELF binary format to embed a file system, and the startup code fusemounts that filesystem and uses some magic glue code to create a pipe, fork the process (where the pipe is used to allow parent and child to talk to each other). Next, the parent.... bah, you better read it in Alex's own words.
The beauty of his idea however lies in the following: it will allow a user to run the embedded bundle without requiring any runtime klik/glick code (the thing we are currently calling 'the klik client'). To the user, the new binaries can be executed directly, just like any other.
On my SuSE-10.2 notebook, Alex's 'fancy_greeter' bundle did indeed start without me needing to take any additional preparations. (Not sure if all I was expected to see was this static fullscreen 'greeter' thingie, though...) His 'katachi' example however did yield an error message about 'libselinux.so.1' not being found... but I don't have SELinux installed on this system.
The question to me now remains: how 'complicated' is the creation of glick bundles that work like Alex designed his concept? Can this process be easily automated?
Alex, can you explain a bit more? And can you provide a few more example bundles to play with? Preferrably one that does save its settings to some ~/.configfile, and that creates data (e.g. an simple text editor) for a user to 'SaveAs...'?