SuperKaramba and Plasma, Part 2
After providing last time a screenshot and a screencast (2.4MB, mpeg4) of SuperKaramba in action running the Aero AIO theme, here we go with a more concrete sample that connects SuperKaramba and Plasma together.
This Python sample script does use the Plasma TimeEngine to display the current local time - such kind of clock-examples will never end I guess :)
# Import the needed modules. import karamba, PlasmaApplet # Fetch the TimeEngine Plasma::DataEngine object. engine = PlasmaApplet.dataEngine("time") # We like to update it each second. engine.setProperty("reportSeconds", True) # Connect with the TimeEngine's "Local" source. engine.connectSource("Local") # This is the richedit widget we use to display something. text = None # This method just returns some text to display. def getText(): return "%s\n%s" % (,engine.query("Local")) # This method got called by SuperKaramba on initialization. def initWidget(widget): global text karamba.resizeWidget(widget, 400, 400) text = karamba.createText(widget, 10, 10, 380, 380, getText()) karamba.redrawWidget(widget) # This method got called by SuperKaramba on update. def widgetUpdated(widget): global text karamba.changeText(widget, text, getText()) karamba.redrawWidget(widget)