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KDEPrint JJ (n.b. JJ=junior jobs)

Saturday, 14 July 2007  |  Cristian Tibirna

In order to heal some of my procrastination-induced bruises, I decided to do a little social experiment, that tends to prove to myself (once again) that we, humans, are inherently good, only sometimes misguided (read below for the excitement).

So, my experiment is this: I will post here the current 4 JJ (junior-job) bugs (not wishes) at KDEPrint's bugzilla. Let's have some sort of soft bet, how much time will be required, from the moment of this post, for getting them fixed by eager future KDE heroes: 1 day? 10 days? 3 months? never?

Here are the JJs now:

51991 55072 117900 145016

If you're one of the young wolves and you're now decided on your pray (see above), feel free (and yes, invited) to ask me for support.