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Ubuntu Open Week; D-Link Routers with Kubuntu

Monday, 23 April 2007  |  jriddell

Ubuntu Open Week is happening again with lots of interesting talks and Q & A sessions with la creme de Ubuntu developers. Tomorrow at 21:00 UTC (and again on Thursday) imbrandon tells us all about Kubuntu and how you can help out with the groovyest distro around.

D-Link, like make brands of ADSL routers run Linux. Unlike certain other embedded Linux users they provide all the sources they use, but for their Asterisk enabled VoIP router not only do they have an ISO to download with all their sources, but the ISO is also a live DVD Kubuntu disk which boots up into a lovely development enviroment to work with those sources. Now that's groovy. Heise has the details.

dlink Kubuntu DVD (Hint: they removed sudo support in favour of a root password of dlink.)