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KDE4 Korundum hello world working

Friday, 20 April 2007  |  Richard Dale

I've just got hello world working with the KDE4 version of the ruby korundum bindings. Here's what it looks like:

require 'korundum4'

aboutData = "tutorial1", "Tutorial 1", "1.0", "KMessageBox popup", KDE::AboutData::License_GPL, "(c) 2006" ) KDE::CmdLineArgs.init(ARGV, aboutData) app = guiItem = "Hello", "", "this is a tooltip", "this is a whatsthis" ) KDE::MessageBox.questionYesNo( nil, "Hello World", "Hello", guiItem )

I got it from the KDE Developer's wiki here. That example doesn't have the new KComponentData class that used to be KInstance, and so I'm not sure if you're supposed to pass 'aboutData' to both the KDE::Application constructor and the KDE::CmdLineArgs.init() method as above. Note that you need to require 'korundum4', so it will be possible to run the KDE3 version of Korundum at the same time

Qt4 QtRuby has QtDBus support, and so it should be possible to have fun calling KDE4 apps over dbus with Korundum. Korundum needs quite a few marshallers still for the new Qt4 list types, but there are over a 1000 Qt and KDE4 classes in the smoke lib which is a good start.

UPDATE: The KDE::Application constructor doesn't need to be passed a KDE::ComponentData instance. I've fixed a bug in the smoke lib code generation for Q_CLASSINFO macros that was causing some methods to be skipped like this KDE::Application constructor. I've also added quite a few KDE4 list marshallers, and now the Korundum bindings are pretty usable