Kubuntu 7.04 Is Out
Feisty is available for download. Canonical's servers are going slow so use a mirror or bittorrent. Or, you can use the super new distribution upgrade tool, if you're up to date with edgy-updates you should find Adept pops up a prompt to upgrade to Feisty when you fetch updates. Must of the work in this release is behind the scenes with various apps ported to Qt 4. The new partitioner in the installer is a big improvement in reliability over QtParted. Network Manager by default is an equally big improvement over the old network app. Our OEM installer looks shiny and bling for all those machines due to be sold with Kubuntu on them, thanks to Abattoir. The Kubuntu help documentation has a big improvement in organisation, thanks to nixternal (who also did a smashing job on the release announcements). One of the smaller changes is setting Konqueror to use Firefox as the user agent for Google which makes GMail and Google Calendar suddenly fully functional. Stefan S turned up on IRC one day and wrote a funky new logout dialogue. There have been a number of small improvements to Adept, mostly to support the upgrader and to make us compliant with the universe-by-default spec, thanks to manchicken, Vladimir and others for that (there is a slight worry of branching too far from Adept trunk, so I want to merge back as soon as it's sane). Packages for KDE 4 are available as well as the latest CMake and Qt 4.3 beta (the -kdecopy packages). Guidance gets a funky Wine config module and improvements to the power manager, thanks to Sime, Sebas, Lure and Yuriy. Lots of work done by Tonio as usual including the new default kicker layout. Thanks also to Trueg who put up with me poking him about K3b 1.0, which we got included in time. We had some troubles with Qt and Chinese characters, which is why Qt 3.3.8 isn't in, (well spotted freeflying).
Lots of good stuff all round in Feisty, give it a shot and let me know what you think.