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Summer of Code closing in 4 days

Tuesday, 20 March 2007  |  thiago

So this is the time to send your proposal if you haven't already. If you want to work on something for KDE 4, you're a student and would like to get paid, this is your chance.

You still have 4 days (and a few hours) to send it using the Google web interface. It closes for new submissions on March 24th, 23:59 UTC. After that, you will have to wait for next year and KDE 4.0 will already be out.

With 4 days to go, we're still nowhere remotely close to the application count of last year. Then again, last year, I was also very surprised when the gross of the applications turned up in the final days. I recommend students not to wait: your application doesn't have to be perfect, just good enough. And, besides, applications sent early get more review and, probably, more votes.