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Comet McNaught

Wednesday, 10 January 2007  |  Bart Coppens

Ok, so no next update in the Krita plugin tutorial yet (it'll surely be done before the end of the month ahem). But much more spectacular was the comet I just saw in the dusky sky. I had a very lucky few moments of no clouds in just the right area, which also by pure luck had a relatively clear line of sight to the horizon. Comet McNaught was very noticeable with the naked eye, and even nicer to look at with a pair of binoculars. Too bad the clouds overtook the comit rapidly, so I had no chance to get my camera and take a picture of it. I fear that by tomorrow it'll be too low to spot, but still, I'm very happy to have seen it, even if it was only for a few moments :) Maybe this blog will encourage the people that have a less cloudy weather, have a clearer horizon, and are located more northernly, to take a look outside their windows tomorrow. (More info on how to observe.) For the people on the southern hemisphere: you'll apparently get your chance to observe it as well in a little while :)