"World now at the mercy of the sanity and honesty of the President of the United States"
The 17th of this month was a historic day.
The US President has now acquired un-controlled, despotic powers. Everybody can be declared "an unlawful enemy combatant". Everybody! US inhabitant or not. Innocent or not. Without ever seeing a judge or a court. Just because the President deems so. And if that happens, you'll be defenseless against torture. Because that's is now legal too. The bill has been rubber-stamped by the Congress, with only minimal opposition by some democrats.
Watch this video! It is a brilliant piece of the sharp Keith Olbermann journalism.
"Under this law the only thing keeping anybody out of Guantanamo is the sanity and honesty of the President of the United States."
The President now essentially has absolute power. Sounds very much like Hitler's Ermächtigungsgesetz (Enabling Act) of 1933.
Be very concerned!