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Usability collaboration in OSS

Wednesday, 18 October 2006  |  El

Few OSS projects have a distinct usability community - and even in large projects like KDE and Gnome there is only a fistful of trained usability contributors. Why so?

For an article which will be published in the German Open Source Yearbook 2007, I spent the last weeks comparing and analysing usability efforts in different OSS projects. Here are my top-four factors influencing usability in OSS:

  • Vision and Target Users
    When a clear vision is missing, usability work is undirected and ideas are likely to die in endless discussion threads. That is, for example, what happened to the GIMP usability community on OpenUsability.
  • Responsibilities and Decision Paths
    Yes, we love freedom in OSS projects - but when clear responsibilites and decision paths are missing, or when usability is not promoted by the main contributors, usability people have a hard time getting their suggestions implemented. We experienced the first in KDE where it took quite a while to learn who to ask to get things done :)
  • Communication Channels
    Separate mailing lists for devel and usability make it difficult to keep track of the others' considerations and decisions. Summarising discussions and making them available on a central place helps to avoid misconceptions. Launchpad is a good example for this.
  • Long-term Engagement and Motivation
    Continuous engagement of usability people is preferable to one-time feedback as long-term goals can be followed. The above aspects as well as a friendly welcome by the community influence the motivation to stay.

It is great to see that the awareness of the necessity of a vision, of decision paths and usability has grown in the Open Source world. KDE tries to make up for this - as many discussions at akademy show. Still: Fresh OSS projects, like the collaboration software mindquarry, are better off: They can define processes, decision paths and usability integration right from the beginning.