Google to be eavesdropping on my notebook soon ... and other conspiracy theories
If more stuff like this emerges on the surface of news stories over the next few months, I'll be one of the next convert candidates to subscribe to some of the more "sensible" conspiration theories out there. One of them being, that the three (!) World Trade Center skyscrapers (WTC1 - 110 storeys, WTC2 - 110 storeys, WTC7 - 47 storeys) which came down in practically free-fall speed 5 years ago on 9/11, having turned 99% of their builtin concrete into very fine dust powder even long before hitting the ground... can't have been killed by a Kerosin fire alone (unless Allah changed some fundamental laws of Physics for that day), but rather by some other, frequently operated third party technology ... as hinted to by some Ground Zero cleanup pictures as well.
I won't feel comfortable as being one of those who do not trust Our Globe's big bosses any more. Just tell me this all is impossible. Tell me it's April Fool's Day. Tell me current technology doesn't allow this yet. Convince me this nightmare is not real yet, and it is only due in 30, 50, 100 years. Please...